Any female Opeth followers?

TinaDav said:
Hey Justin. Yep, I was there (@ HOB). It was amazing.....right up front and totally mesmerized. I'm in the western burbs.

Yeah, i was down by the sound booth, and also around the bar on the second floor during f'ing devil driver and moonspell ;)

Im down in Hyde Park at the UofC. I hate the near west side, but the burbs seem a little better. You damn people shut down I-55 every day! :p
cthulufhtagn said:
god damn i want barbeque i'm fucking sick as all hell of cafeteria food :yuk:
sorry. we don't do bbq's here. apparently it has been decided that we only do female opeth followers.

@ss: we sure are. ;)
Nice to see some female fans around, not that I think it matters *what* you are...But I'm a guy and my younger brother got me into Opeth around BWP, and I've since bought and repeatedly listened to all of their stuff.

Whatever, I just think as a girlfriendless guy its really nice to see women around that like the same sorts of music that I do...

Hmm...can't really read what I just wrote and not think its creepy, but, my intentions are truly positive! just thought I'd throw in that I think metal-girls kick a ton of ass, and there should be alot more of you all!
Ehh...omit my last post, it's stupid. I shouldn't be awake right now, but I'm listening to the funeral portrait and trying to decide what to write about on this freakin message board...

Seriously I'm sure most of you are really nice people but damn i've read some really nasty posts since I started visiting these boards. I think some people need to lighten up, crank out the music, and just relax. Not much of a point to argue on a message board like this. It's not going to change anything about anyone else, so just learn to celebrate differences, not revile them.

And not to sound like a fanboy, but I truly believe if you listen to (or, to sound a bit holier than thou, *experience*), and enjoy Opeth, you definitely have something special about you, male or female. There are other bands out there that you can say the same thing about, sure, but without Opeth none of us would even be talking here now would we? That's something special in itself I suppose.

Goodnight everyone.
I think I'll leave it...flaws are beautiful.

Mr. Guard...I like it. inconium guard comes from a poem I wrote, which I won't post hear because, well I just won't. So that's that!
sometimes i'm lazee when it comes to the typing of teh names. you can stay if you would post the poem though, i'm interested. (read as: bored out of my mind)

eidt: and yes, they are.
I don't know....I'm thinking it might get trashed by certain people on the board.

ehhh f*ck it, i'll post it anyway:


Seas of grass over mountainside
Here is no law, but death abide
Clever the one who knows the way,
But lucky those , who never say.

Overgrown tombs of ages past,
Surrounded graves in which are massed,
The forgotten souls within sleep
Dreaming of lives they once thought cheap.

Here the grave keepers are the trees,
With which the light might calm and ease,
But come here on a cloudy day,
To see the ghosts here walk their way

So now that they have come and stayed,
Visitors here will leave dismayed,
Shallow graves mean nothing to some,
Til they live by Inconium.

Yeah so it totally sucks! hahah
no it doesn't. it's quite beautiful actually. it's a poem sir, no one was expecting perfection. that said, is it a work in progress or are you happy with it as it is?

p.s. you coulda just pm'd it to me and saved yourself a heckling. consider yourself lucky, at least you didn't post it on the SoT forum. :yuk:
hah thanks, i'm glad you liked it..

I guess it could be a work in progress, its actually part of a larger set of poems I've written, and am still writing. And just to make it relevant to this message board, some of them were partly inspired while listening to Opeth music. yep it's true.
kew'. what are you listening to now btw? still bwp? you should do what i do and add the two songs from the 7inch vinyl, or the limited edition bwp cd to your playlist/cd/whatever. i often fall asleep listening to those two songs. it's great.
I've actually never heard those 2 songs, although I really want to. I just have the regular copy of BWP, but I suppose I can try and find them online and d/l them.

I did just finish BWP, and even though I said I was going to bed, I just started up MAYH haha. Oops, now i might be stuck for a bit longer!
sheesh! sounds like you need to make a mix cd of the more mellow opeth songs to help you rest your weary head. it'll be sticking around for a bit longer, but i'm off to watch a movie on tv soon. i'll listen to 'when' off mayh with you though? tis my favourite off the album. oh poo, just realised that mayh is the only cd i haven't ripped to my computer yet, *goes looking*
Sounds like a plan...I'll start the CD over to give you some searching time haha.

What a great album...

Oh and if I want a nice mellow mix I usually listen to damnation, that usually does the trick! :)
i'm not having any luck here and i'm starting to panic! sorry but i won't be able to join you in your aural experience cos i've gotta go. will look for ma cd after the movie. g'night! :wave:
Vrykolakas said:
Hmmm, wonder what that could be??? :devil:


I'm really into Slayer. You still want me?

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD oMGz bE mY ONliNe GiRLfrIenD pLz PLz plZ OmgZ a/s/l oMGZ!!!!111!!1!!1!!!

and yes, refer to my avatar, i am that green in real life. ;)