anybody else afraid that they will stop listening to metal?

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xorv, it really is unbelievable that you are good with chicks and I have horrible luck

all the shit I have read then on the internet is utter nonsense then, I have more money and much better looks than you (that website you were talking about - ladder of attraction says looks/money/power is 90% of the battle), yet I am a virgin and you are far from it.
lol first of all I never said I was good with chicks. I have had my share of pussy, but lately (for the past 2 years) Ive been lacking and dont really try enough to hit on girls. No matter how many chances I get. I really gotta stop doing that. I know its not hard, not at all. Just a simple "hi" would do.

Girls don't want money, you DO NOT have better looks than me (even tho looks also dont really matter that much when it comes to girls)

and i didn't post that website that had that stupid laddder of attraction shit. DO NOT BELIEVE SUCH BULLSHIT. money, looks, power isn't even 40% of the battle. Personality and how much fun you are as a person has more of an impact.
xorv, it really is unbelievable that you are good with chicks and I have horrible luck

all the shit I have read then on the internet is utter nonsense then, I have more money and much better looks than you (that website you were talking about - ladder of attraction says looks/money/power is 90% of the battle), yet I am a virgin and you are far from it.

That site applies to humans, not to hairy, grease stained, baklava spitting fucktards like you. And no, you're not attractive.

Quit thinking your atrractive, because god-fucking-damn-it you're not. Just shut up. Shut the fuck up. I hope you die from a concussion next time you haul your faggoty ass to the gym you dumb fuck.

Get cancer and die.
xorv, it really is unbelievable that you are good with chicks and I have horrible luck

all the shit I have read then on the internet is utter nonsense then, I have more money and much better looks than you (that website you were talking about - ladder of attraction says looks/money/power is 90% of the battle), yet I am a virgin and you are far from it.

A website being full of shit? Really?? Who'd a thought that...
I think my big problem right now is being overly aggressive. I was way too nice for 18 years but recently I have become way overly aggressive.

I just got to be more chill and treat chicks as if they are my friends.
Come on, does every fucking thread have to turn into a bout "CONSOLE DAVE ON HIS PERSONAL PROBLEMS"? All of us should let it go. He's heard enough from us, now let him deal with it on his own.

As for the topic of this thread, I went through about a month recently where metal didn't evoke the same emotional response as it always did, and I got rather worried. I started to delve more into folk and punk during this period so good did come out of it, but I was afraid that all the metal albums I had spent precious funds on that I loved dearly would no longer appeal to me. Luckily, I rediscovered my passion for it (through a Temnozor album, strangely) and am back into my former obsession with the music.
no u gotta make fun of chicks in a kind of playful way. Don;t be too nice, but don't be too aggressive. Just relax and have fun with her. Don't even think of sex until you reach the bedroom. Just relax and have fun with her personality, not her titties. Not yet.
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