anybody else afraid that they will stop listening to metal?

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I hate to revive a dead thread and I could not stomach to read the entire thing, but come on. If you are already looking at losing interest in metal than do yourself the favor and just give it up now. You do not truly love metal and probably never will. If you have any concerns about what other people will think about you or whatever bullshit reason you came up with than you obviously have some other issues at hand but then again you should do fine in your "acceptable society" you plan to join in a couple years. Taste may come and go but I will never stop listening to metal as a whole. I used to listen to brutal death and black metal but I slowly stopped buying new stuff or even looking for it, I still occasionally feel the urge but on average I listen to the "way to popular overrated" stuff that everybody talks shit about not being metal or whatever and I am completely comfortable with that because it makes me happy and I do not care what other people think. ie In Flames, Soilwork, Opeth, Evergrey and other bands you probably do not like either right now cause they are not cool or sold out. And again I am sorry for reviving this thread but I had to get my opinion out. End Rant....
I hate to revive a dead thread and I could not stomach to read the entire thing, but come on. If you are already looking at losing interest in metal than do yourself the favor and just give it up now. You do not truly love metal and probably never will. If you have any concerns about what other people will think about you or whatever bullshit reason you came up with than you obviously have some other issues at hand but then again you should do fine in your "acceptable society" you plan to join in a couple years. Taste may come and go but I will never stop listening to metal as a whole. I used to listen to brutal death and black metal but I slowly stopped buying new stuff or even looking for it, I still occasionally feel the urge but on average I listen to the "way to popular overrated" stuff that everybody talks shit about not being metal or whatever and I am completely comfortable with that because it makes me happy and I do not care what other people think. ie In Flames, Soilwork, Opeth, Evergrey and other bands you probably do not like either right now cause they are not cool or sold out. And again I am sorry for reviving this thread but I had to get my opinion out. End Rant....

this should've been said at the beginning of this thread. thank you. however, taste is subjective and I tend to listen to the more obscure stuff.
I am really afraid that metal is going to fade away within 3-4 years for me. Especially when I go into the business world. I will probably still listen to maiden and metallica, but I can't imagine myself listening to nile or morbid angel at age 26. anybody else feel the same way?

Another stupid post from you.

I'll never stop. I could become a bank loan officer and still jam out to some Cryptopsy when Im not fucking your credit in the ass.
I dunno man, I think it would be extremely strange if I was some executive in a company and then went home and listened to suffocation and morbid angel. I still see metal as something for angsty testosterone fueled 15-22 year old men, I suppose.

Don't worry silly boy. You're never gonna become an executive anything anyways.
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