Anyone considering sponsorship for 2008?

Back to the original question ...

I would certainly consider sponsorship. But the way I'd approach it is to see what bands are bubbling up as having a reasonable chance of appearing (i.e. have shown prior interest and availability) and then put my money on my favorite of the bunch. I don't think I'd just shout out a random band name and dollar amount.


I think that Ken has a great idea here. Though I would still really like to see Silent Force.
I'm definitely interested... I was considering Ram-Zet (they are the #1 european band I want to see right now), but they'd be very expensive to bring over and would likely get no higher than a third spot... if there were others interested in pooling sponsorships for them, I'd be willing to put a large amount of money in for them.

Barring that, there are a few US bands I would be willing to sponsor... if we have a few months, I'd like to take some time to decide.
that is the problem....we can all name our favorite bands and wish they could play, but the reality is that there needs to be a list made of choices and then go from there I think. All that is going to happen is each person giving like 200 bucks for everyones different bands. There ought to be some kind of vote or something and get a list of 15 bands and see who would drop what kind of money for those bands. At least you can feel out what bands people want to see and pay for.
Well...considering Testament was very interested in playing this year (straight from Chuck's mouth!) had it not been for their Mexican tour dates that got confirmed the same week we approached them, I'd say they are a strong candidate for 2008. :kickass:

Just many ppl here would be willing to help sponsor Testament?

We will also probably post a list of bands we would like to order to give you some choices as well. CRJ will be meeting tomorrow to iron out details & should hopefully announce something Monday.
Yes, but I don't have that much money to put up, so it won't make much of a difference. :erk:

Don't think like that!!! Every little bit will make a difference!!! Just think of it as the amount you thrown in will bring them that much closer to the fest. :kickass:

Plus, I'm sure you won't be the only one willing to help out to get them to the fest in 2008! ;)
I am willing to sponsor a band for '08. Problem is, all the bands I would want to sponsor would have to be flown in across the Atlantic.

Here are a few I would love to see (You don't have to remind me that some were at ProgPower not too long ago):

Nostradameus, Poison Black, Symphorce, Vision Divine, Labyrinth, Mystic Prophecy, Metalium, Machine Men, Kotipelto, or Primal Fear.

This is a list of bands that have recently released a great CD that I picked up this past year (VD is about to release one). Therefore, all these bands would be primed up for touring next April.

Sorry to list so many, but I figured I would give you some names for your meeting with Chris.

You can hear streaming music samples of all the bands I listed (except for MP & PF) on the MyStreamz Player I created at Username: web Password: free
To ROb And Chris:

Because I had so much fun covering your Festival and it you both were so great with no hassle and no bullshit arrangements, I'm in! You guys rock and I will help anyway I can. I'd sponsor the fest in general but if I were to sponsor a Band in particular, it would be Overkill or Exodus or Nevermore...