does anyone know how to reproduce those stunning guitar effects that can be heard on the short instrumental "Marching On A Dead End Road" from Anthems of Rebellion .

It enters at 00:35 behind the layers of acoustic guitars.

Is it "only" some sustained note with vibrato and natural feedback ? Or any kind of E-bow have been used in you guy's opinion ?

I love the mood of that piece of music. All those delays are just so fabulous.
Does anyone know which amps are behind the guitar and bass tones on the Megadeth "Symphony of Destruction" cover off of the Dead Eyes See No Future E.P.? They sound slightly different to my ears than the typical Arch Enemy production I'm used to. Krank? Recto? 5150? Marshall? Anyone? Cheers!

Recording pictures of Doomsday Machine...















The "Anthems of rebellion",at least to my standards is the pinnacle of extreme metal productions.I really loved every bit of that album,it's just a perfect mix of everything and on top of all - it has great songs.Stellar job by Andy Sneap and by the band.
I do not dig these new releases of Arch Enemy as near as I dug "Anthems of rebellion".The "Rise of tyrants" especially.

I am also in posession of a "Live apocalypse" DVD and it's brilliant as well.
Great production and a great music show!!!
One of the lads here at work has a press promo.....we lasted 3 tracks before I turned it off due to ear fatigue.

My sounds like it's been smashed to bits. No idea if I liked the songs or not as I couldn't get past how harsh it sounds. I'm just glad I'm not the one writing the review!

there is one reason why it sounds smashed to pieces it is called compression and it is a growing trend in music to compress it more and more and i know for a fat that it is not the engineer's who are doing it because there is nothing that we hate more than using compression inappropriately but if you don't do it you'll be lucky to sell 10,000 cd's let alone 500,000 cd's and it is not just in the hands of the Engineer to compress it because that mystical part of production that not many people really understand Mastering is bottom line just one massive compression session.
WOW thank you for the interesting Pics ! I think "doomsday machine" is one of the best produced albums in the whole Metal Genre of all´s the best sounding death metal CD EVER MADE.

Andy Sneap..if you read this: My honestly RESPECT for your Work. You made the reference in producing metal !
im only 23, so ive been listening to compressed as fuck albums my whole life. never really have a problem with ear fatigue (unless i listen with headphones, or in a vehicle for prolonged periods of time)

I'm 21, I've listened to mainly compressed CD's too, but I just hate it.

I mean yeah I'm into sound production so it helps. But I've discovered many musicality in other styles than Rock or Metal and it opened my ears to different things. And now I just feel that sometimes it's too much.

I mean, I just love listening to a killer song like Arch Enemy ones, and when it's loud you feel the music. But once the song is finished, the second comes, and it's as loud as the first one. And again, and again. And you get tired, cause music is musicality, tone, rythm, melody and... dynamics. And that compression kills the dynamics part. I think I couldn't understand that before having listened to other things and god now I'm happy I did.

Compression is cool to listen to the song on the radio or in the car. But at home, with good speakers, and silence, you just want real good sound.

Anyway, I agree that Anthems Of Rebellion was one of the best albums ever written and produced. I do like Rise of the Tyrants too. Effectively, the lead tones are just near perfection.
I've listened to them qiute deep last night. I just love Anthems Of Rebellion for the overall sounding, breathe it has compared to other ones. But now it lacks the current tone of Chris that is really wonderdul. And some productions of last albums are really fine. It's just more compressed.
WTF? I thought I was on top of things, apparently not:

From Blabbermouth today:
Queens Of Steel: You're currently recording your next album, what can you explain us about it? How is it going the recording process?

Gossow: We actually finished recording it in February and Andy Sneap (MEGADETH, NEVERMORE) is mixing the album now.

Had no idea we were this close to a new (old) AE record.