Are metal fans the most hardcore?

1. It's a pretty huge part of my life. When I'm not out and about I spend most of my time listening to metal, posting on forums about metal, buying CDs and vinyl, downloading obscure OOP albums, etc. I don't wear band shirts as much as I used to but I do have a fair amount. My hair is just a little over my ears. I would grow it out but my hair grows slow and is a bitch to take care of (since it's so thin).

2. Music seems to be almost non-existent in most people's lives. I, however, do have one friend that's almost as heavily into metal as I am but (like MalignParidigm's friends) is more about just having the mp3s than having an extensive CD and/or vinyl collection.

3. I have noticed that people into metal seem more passionate than people into other genres. I honestly think the genre has become very diverse since its inception in 1970 leaving tons of room for exploration just in case one gets sick of a particular sub-genre.
I'd say when push comes to shove they probably are the most hardcore in-so-far-as I've never seen a music community like UM for any other genre -- where some random ass band with a Myspace page who has never done a show and has 10 friends will get mentioned on here and three people will be like "ah yeah, I've been listening to them since they started. They're great." But I've never been on an indie rock forum or a classical forum, it wouldn't suprise me if there were communities like that for other genres. I spend a lot of time with fans of other genres and there certainly are hardcore fans in those groups, but on average those people aren't as hardcore as the average person here.
1. Metal is definitely the biggest part of life. I've realized most of my free time is spent playing metal, listening to metal, or reading about metal. It's introduced me to things i couldn't have possibly thought of if i weren't into it. The people I've met, the bands that I've played in, it's all worth it and my love for metal has no bounds.

2. I do have alot of friends that listen to metal, but only maybe 2 or 3 that I think of two or three that are into it like me, the rest kinda just listen to deathcore or whatever and it doesn't affect the way they live their lives or have much meaning to them. I've believe getting in touch with your metal history is essential, but they kinda just go with what is mainstream at the moment.

3. Metal just has so much to offer, for any mood or emotion. I hate it when just listen to some music to be cool or to fit in or whatever, because metal is so much more than that. This may sound cheesy, but you form bonds that will remains unbroken and experiences no one else can imagine.
If your life revolves around a certain genre, your hardcore. My gf's bro, is in love with rap and hip hop(I cringe at the sound of it), but he's into it as much as I am into metal, that makes him hardcore fan, of crappy music

You know this isnt exactly on topic but im going to attack it right now.

I hate people who fill this stereotype. the "If you listen to metal you can't listen to any other genre's and all other types of music automatically suck."

I hate that with a passion.

I listen to pretty much everything. from brutal death metal to emo to punk to some fucking wu tang clan, I don't listen to any mainstream rap cause i think it sucks, but you know what if you listen to mainstream rap/pop or whatever and metal and can admit it, then props to you.
and in answer to the question.

1. Metal is definitely a huge part of my life. and if im listening to music it 95% of the time its metal. I wear a band t-shirt and jeans pretty much everyday and its almost always a metal band shirt.

2. most of my friends listen to metal, but out of all of them im the deepest into it. like brutal death/underground black metal etc. most of them are just into deathcore/metalcore and some death metal.

3. thats really all i got. i guess my previous post can count for this section.
1.Metal is a huge part of my life. Whenever I can't go to a show, I take it personally. I'm always wearing a band shirt(immortal, morbid angel, immolation etc), I don't care how much of a hassle my hair can be, I refuse to cut it, in fact my hair is longer than my girl's hair. I go to ever show that I can(don't care if I go into debt of am over drafted), Finntroll this Thursday. I buy cds every chance that I get. I am currently saving cash to go to Wacken, I'll quit my job if I have to, and I would like to move to any European country, because metal is a lot more appreciated there and I listen to foreign bands the most (immortal, finntroll, satyricon, etc) they don't come to the U.S.
2. Out of all my friends, I am the only one who is really into metal. Everyone listens to everything else but don't take it as seriously, I am the only one willing to travel as far as it takes to see a show.
Don't know what else to say

Um... if you go in debt you have to make interest payments, which means you're wasting money that you could otherwise have spent on metal.

Just fyi
1. How big a part of your life metal is

-I listen to metal at least once a day
-I'm on this forum
-I write reviews for The Metal Observer
-I have a blog devoted partly to metal
-I'm in a band, playing bass and vocals
-I wear mostly band shirts and my hair is long
-I host a metal show on my college radio station

I'd say Metal is a major part of my life, my identity, my time and creative energy.

2. How big a part of people's lives music is based on your observations

I can never tell how devoted one is to music just by seeing them, or even getting to know them a bit. Metal is a different case, since fans of Metal bands tend to wear band shirts more regularly than those of most other genres. But even then, plenty of metalheads (like Alter) never wear band shirts, nor have long hair.

So I can't assume that, just because metalheads advertise their musical devotion more than fans of other music, metalheads in general are more devoted to Metal than Ska fans to Ska and Rap fans to Rap.

Then again, you could say that adopting the fashion is a degree of devotion, but there are many more factors than just the look to distinguish how "hardcore" you are about your musical preferences.
Metal is what I live and breathe, and I have for twenty years. I am dedicated to all aspects of it, though I am glad I withdrew from the hardcore lifestyle that was predominant in Norway in the early nineties before it consumed me utterly.
What are you talking about?

you say you're a hardcore metal head but you're not. you're a fucking poser since you consider yourself a hard core metal head. Of all the time I have been on this board, the only band I have seen that you just found is fucking Atheist. You never listen to anything but Iced Earth, Manowar and Atheist. You are not a hardcore metal head, I don't care what anyone says, listening to 3 bands for a year is not being a hardcore metal head.
you say you're a hardcore metal head but you're not. you're a fucking poser since you consider yourself a hard core metal head. Of all the time I have been on this board, the only band I have seen that you just found is fucking Atheist. You never listen to anything but Iced Earth, Manowar and Atheist. You are not a hardcore metal head, I don't care what anyone says, listening to 3 bands for a year is not being a hardcore metal head.

I'm wearing adidas shorts and a white tshirt at the moment while listening to ancient Roman and Greek music. If I didn't have longer hair than most of you I would be the most metal. >O
i'm addicted to heavy music and find the best stuff generally reflects my tastes and general attitude to a tee, yeah i love it to bits, who on this board doesn't? on the other hand i don't particularly identify with or care about the traditional metal lifestyle, i don't see it as accurately representing the metal i love. most metalheads (certainly most of the young ones) are the other way around, metal is more a means for social bonding, a way of forging identity for themselves as someone abnormal, and unity with others of the same ilk (usually social retards). i know a million of these people, they hardly ever go past the mainstream of metal or have any desire to.

fortunately the genre also attracts some unpretentious intelligent folks with a penchant for all things dark 'n raw. my friends either fit into this category or are casual metal listeners who aren't metalheads at all. it's not for me to say whether they love music as much as i do, music's a pretty personal thing for me and most of my friends aren't aware of the extent to which i love it, and because most of them are similar to me i suspect this applies vice-versa as well.
This is pretty much how I feel but I'll answer the questions:

1. I would say metal is a big part of my life in that it is my biggest leisure interest. I listen to it a lot, co-write a blog, wear band shirts fairly often although not always, and have a large and growing collection. As my favorite style of music it often fills me with emotion and passion.

That said I don't think you could say that I "breathe" metal or that it is a lifestyle for me. It might've been when I first was getting into it as no country mentioned, but those days are past I think. I find the behavior, attitudes and interests expected by the subculture to be limiting. I'd rather leave it as a major interest of mine, allowing me to enjoy metal while being able to relate to a wider variety of people

2. Music is pretty important to some of my friends, and not very for others. As with everything cultural there is a spectrum of attitudes towards music. I would imagine that metal, tends further towards "hardcore" fans because it has remained underground, but also has a relatively large fanbase. I would not however say metal fans are the most hardcore. It would really be impossible to answer that question accurately.
you say you're a hardcore metal head but you're not. you're a fucking poser since you consider yourself a hard core metal head. Of all the time I have been on this board, the only band I have seen that you just found is fucking Atheist. You never listen to anything but Iced Earth, Manowar and Atheist. You are not a hardcore metal head, I don't care what anyone says, listening to 3 bands for a year is not being a hardcore metal head.

You are a fucking asswipe.
you say you're a hardcore metal head but you're not. you're a fucking poser since you consider yourself a hard core metal head. Of all the time I have been on this board, the only band I have seen that you just found is fucking Atheist. You never listen to anything but Iced Earth, Manowar and Atheist. You are not a hardcore metal head, I don't care what anyone says, listening to 3 bands for a year is not being a hardcore metal head.

your stupid to think that the only bands he may listen to are the ones he may have posted he. that means that i only listen to immortal since that's the only band i have on my profile