Are metal fans the most hardcore?

1. Musically I suppose its a big part of my life, being that much of what I listen to is metal. But I also like trance, rap, folk, ambient, celtic, and many other styles. I wear a lot of metal shirts, but other than that its high end shoes and jeans. I have very short hair. I have a very laid back, funny personality,as opposed to the typical stereotype of an angry, introverted future-murderer.

2. Most of my friends who are into metal have a similar attitude towards it as I do. One of my friends is a huge death metal fan, and has a spiky pop-punkish haircut. Looks dont matter, musical appreciation does.

3. Many teenage metalheads take the whole lifestyle too seriously. "Lets fucking kill the fucking emo fags! " and "These fucking scene fucks are fucking up the fucking metal scene!" I wonder who the real scene kids are....
you say you're a hardcore metal head but you're not. you're a fucking poser since you consider yourself a hard core metal head. Of all the time I have been on this board, the only band I have seen that you just found is fucking Atheist. You never listen to anything but Iced Earth, Manowar and Atheist. You are not a hardcore metal head, I don't care what anyone says, listening to 3 bands for a year is not being a hardcore metal head.

You're retarded and exactly why metal fans have a bad reputation.
Calm down guys, sure he made a wild assumption but you don't have to tear him up for it, just explain to him nicely how he's wrong instead of throwing insults at him.
1. Metal has been a fairly large part of my life for the last 4 and a half/5 years or so. These days I dress like I'm a metalhead (black jeans, boots, band shirts usually, leathers etc), listen to a great deal of the music, (though you might say I'm a little bit "elitist" - but then you'd be a cunt. I've drifted far towards the "darker" and more "extreme" end of metal over the last couple of years although recently more melodic material has started taking my interest. I still love all the old favourites though!), and enjoy discussing the music and sharing opinions with people of similar tastes. That can be a bit hard though, seeing as most of us are opinionated bastards and most of the metalheads i've met IRL haven't impressed me too much.

2. I have a handful of friends who like metal, but only 1 or 2 with tastes closely resembling mine. I'd rather keep it that way tbh, because being obscure and eclectic is tr00.

3. I too have sinned and been a kvlt kiddie before. OMG ONLY BURZUM IS TROO. I still love Burzum and other raw black metal like I only used to listen to a couple of years ago, but my music taste has opened up so much recently it makes me glad to have seen the light. I can still be a picky cunt though. Like this - FUCK MOST SO CALLED MELODIC DEATH METAL.

you say you're a hardcore metal head but you're not. you're a fucking poser since you consider yourself a hard core metal head. Of all the time I have been on this board, the only band I have seen that you just found is fucking Atheist. You never listen to anything but Iced Earth, Manowar and Atheist. You are not a hardcore metal head, I don't care what anyone says, listening to 3 bands for a year is not being a hardcore metal head.


I have nothing else to say. (that isn't true btw)
You're retarded and exactly why metal fans have a bad reputation.

you're a fan of posers? ML is a fucking hippy veggie eater who occasionally listens to metal, and to associate himself as a metalhead in the leagues of an almighty like sir Malign is a disgrace. I don't see how anyone could not agree with me, sure im elitist but that's it.
1) Metal isn't a huge part of my life. I like listening to it but that's about it.

2) I'd say it is a big part of many metalheads lives. I don't think Metalheads are the most hardcore, but they seem to be the most open about their hardcoreness. I think many love to express their love for these bands because no one has ever heard of them. And imo for some its kind of attention whory. One guy at my school was like that and he would butt into musical discussions all the fucking time and he would be all "Cannibal Corpse is the greatest band ever!" and stuff along the lines of that whenever he could. Some of those attention whore type metalheads are not too different from Emos. They're like "everyone thinks I'm a fucking satanist, its so gay. I only where shirts every day with pentagrams on them and write "HAIL SATAN!" under my name on papers. Everyone is so stupid." Not too different imo from the "my parents think I'm gay just because they saw me kiss a guy" stuff.

3) As I said, I think its maybe because this music just seems to click with them. Or maybe they just feel extremely special for liking this music that most of the world doesn't.
What I'm asking is, is metal a bigger part of a metalhead's life than rock is for a rock fan?

Not necessarily, although the genre attracts die hards in droves who listen to metal and nothing but metal.

1. How big a part of your life metal is

It's been a huge part of my life, it's shaped my taste in music across the board, it's heavily influenced the way I play bass and create music, it's given me experiences such as playing and living overseas, and it's given me lifelong friends.

2. How big a part of people's lives music is based on your observations

I don't think living and breathing a certain style is exclusive to metal at all. I've seen people who are just as crazily into other styles as the most die hard metal fan in many other music scenes besides metal. Psytrance for example attracts a global underground following of people who do nothing but listen to psytrance, make psytrance music and go to psytrance parties every weekend.

3. And then comments and observations and stuff

That's all really.
you say you're a hardcore metal head but you're not. you're a fucking poser since you consider yourself a hard core metal head.

you're a fan of posers? ML is a fucking hippy veggie eater who occasionally listens to metal, and to associate himself as a metalhead in the leagues of an almighty like sir Malign is a disgrace. I don't see how anyone could not agree with me, sure im elitist but that's it.


And you consider yourself to be an elitist, that's not a poseur-ish thing to do...
Metal is a pretty huge part of my life. There have been times where it was much less important to me but currently I'm pretty much obsessed. Music in general is my main passion but metal and classical are my true loves and honestly I listen to metal on a more regular basis. Aside from the band shirts I wear I don't fit any of the visual stereotypes associated with this genre. I love going to shows and now I'm stoked because I finally found some guys to jam with who can actually play and listen to good shit.
1. How big a part of your life metal is
Metal at it's most primitive state is not that big of a part of my life, but music is a huge part of my life. I can still have a life outside of music & go out to drink, play pool, bowl, or watch a movie. I listen to a lot of stuff, but sometimes I don't even listen much to metal, & sometimes it will be all I will listen to for months. Lately I've been listening to a lot of comedy CDs & some Michael Jackson for example. I'm a metalhead at heart, but not a hardcor3 metalh3ad by default. I'm pretty much a non-sterotypical metalhead.

2. How big a part of people's lives music is based on your observations
Generally music is not a big part of most people's lives. I know 3 people who base a lot of their life around music & they're all musicians. They all approach the way in which they base their lives around music completely different. For example - one of them constantly practices playing music & learning songs or techniques on a handfull of different instruments while one of the other guys is in a local band & is very much into going to concerts & spends a lot of time with people who are in the local music scene. For the most part most people that I know or have met outside of these 3 people don't really care much for music outside of something just to listen to while they drive or party, & they listen to shit music at that. See MTV.

3. And then comments and observations and stuff
I think that by default metalheads are generally more music oriented than most people these days. That's about it.

And you consider yourself to be an elitist, that's not a poseur-ish thing to do...

I don't really think i'm an elitist since I don't tihnk i'm a better person for liking more 'underground' music, he's just associating himself where he shouldnt be at all
I am first and foremost a music fan. Any true music fan is the most "hardcore." The ones who do not have limits on one music genre and focus on the whole underground music scene are the ones who breath the music the most.

That's pretty much what it's about. I agree 100%. The people who only listen to extreme music that is underground (for example) have a hidden agenda in why they listen to the music.
I don't really think i'm an elitist since I don't tihnk i'm a better person for liking more 'underground' music, he's just associating himself where he shouldnt be at all

Maybe he listens to more metal and he just hasn't really said anything about it?

Why don't you fucking THINK before posting?