Are you christian and like Black Metal?

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anonymousnick2001 said:
Yeah, I don't think the point of Christianity was to create world problems.

I think it was God's rules from 0 A.D. till about when Islam really showed up. My opinion, of course...

I don't think it's fair to criticize Christians today for things that happened a long time ago, the same way blaming all Muslims for 9/11 or all Jews for the Israeli-Palentinian conflict(just blame the leaders circa 1948) is foolish, idiotic, and ultimately pointless.
Thanks, I agree completly
anonymousnick2001 said:
Yeah, I don't think the point of Christianity was to create world problems.

I think it was God's rules from 0 A.D. till about when Islam really showed up. My opinion, of course...

I don't think it's fair to criticize Christians today for things that happened a long time ago, the same way blaming all Muslims for 9/11 or all Jews for the Israeli-Palentinian conflict(just blame the leaders circa 1948) is foolish, idiotic, and ultimately pointless.
It doesn't matter if Christianity was originally made to create world problems. Black metallers believe that it has done. Christians today aren't being 'blamed' for the things that happened a long time ago. Indeed, many Christians had no choice in the matter, they were brought up from an early age believing that Christianity was 'right'.

The point is that Christianity is still harming the world. Black metallers seek change, they aren't simply 'criticizing'.

Oopsie. My bad.

But...what's wrong with Christians listening to black metal if it's not criticism and just a plea for change? Nothing, methinks...

Then again, I've recently realized how much Darkthrone totally owns. Like, I was sort of into them before, but now I really like them. I just don't dig the whole Satanic thing, and I'm on the fence about it. I love the music, and the image doesn't bother me at all, but the lyrics...I dunno.
yes, I know for a few days I've been stressing that point but it appears some just will not let up... Christianity boasts such peaceful teachings, so why is it being blamed instead of the actual people who 'kill for God' (themselves being hypocrites and actually going against everything Christianity teaches)? The fault does not lie within Christianity, the fault lies within the person. like I said, if the intangible reality that is Christianity can pick up a gun and shoot it too, THEN and only then you can blame Christianity. That's never going to happen as we all know, so watch where you place the blame, Guardian. This shit doesn't carry on to present true 'God's law'-abiding Christians.

And as far as 'Christianity harming the world' goes, no person outside of this forum in the real world would take you seriously if you said that. If anything, Christianity is the one thing that is actually trying to prevent bad things from happening. That's why the pope and the church take a stand against nearly everything involving violence these days.

In fact, Christianity and its followers has become much much MUCH more docile than it was in the old days. Christianity is not harming the world. why would you think that anyway? I'm seriously clueless.
anonymousnick2001 said:
But...what's wrong with Christians listening to black metal if it's not criticism and just a plea for change? Nothing, methinks...
Some people (generally idealists) are of the belief that the aesthetic - the sound of the music, represents the ideology of the creator. The music is a product, an expression, of the ideas the composer is attempting to symbolise. Therefore you'll understand that those who listen to music that deprecates their own beliefs, are frowned upon by those who take music seriously in the way I mentioned above. Self-deprecation is pointless.
NocturnalSun said:
And as far as 'Christianity harming the world' goes, no person outside of this forum in the real world would take you seriously if you said that. If anything, Christianity is the one thing that is actually trying to prevent bad things from happening. That's why the pope and the church take a stand against nearly everything involving violence these days.
Do research on nihilism. I'm not the best person to ask.
NocturnalSun said:
Why do research on Nihilism? I'm not asking you anything. I was telling you something. Christianity is not harming the world, period. Nihilism has nothing to do with that, so why did you bring that up?
Because researching nihilism may make you realise that you're wrong. It's a suggestion; ignore it if you wish.
clangorous said:
since epicous asked abt the Priests in Hinduism , I gave him the info abt them, If u don wanna believe it as a fact , its left to u,
Yes, Priests in Hinduism and their opinion about black metal music.
clangorous said:
Our only motive should be to save this Genre of Music ( i meant Metal ) from dying ( Its already on a Slow poison )
Long live Metal !!!
Eternal live for metal subgenres! (Im a power metal fan).

clang, is there any black metal band from India that compose themes inspirated by evil hindu gods?
why will it make me realize that I'm wrong? I KNOW I AM RIGHT and I've been telling you that. Christianity is not harming the world, that I know for a fact. The PEOPLE who use Christianity for evil things contradictory to the actual teachings are to blame. those people are a disgrace to all Christians and are the reason you and a few others think the way you do about Christians.
well look at this. A comment popped up in the Satanism and Metal thread that read something like this, "...and now we have these 'new age' people who think they're so smart that they can prove God doesn't exist" go look it up if you want the full thing, but you easily fall into that category. No, I will not 'open my mind' to accomodate your wants, as I see no need to. Since there is no official proof that says "God exists" or "God doesn't exist", I see no problem with believing God exists. It's a fence-situation. You're either on the fence and still deciding or staying neutral and saying there are no higher powers, you're on one side where they believe God is real, or you're on the other side where they believe he's not.

Like I said, there's no proof either way so I shouldn't have to 'open my mind to a different viewpoint.'
NocturnalSun said:
why will it make me realize that I'm wrong? I KNOW I AM RIGHT and I've been telling you that.

A tad arrogant, are we? It's simply something that you cannot know, as you cannot give any proof. I'm alright with you being a Christian and all, but you BELIEVE, you don't know. Noone knows. Noone can give proof of God's existence. Noone can give proof of the opposite either.
NocturnalSun said:
:lol: petty name-calling again. need I remind you of the stupidity of name-calling disputes on the internet?
I'll rephrase it then. I'm not continuing this conversation because I feel that you are wasting my time.
Perhaps Nocturnalsun sees the viewpoint, but simply disagrees.

Or maybe not...

I dunno. All I know is, I can understand why atheists and nihilists and agnostics and heretics all feel the way they do. But I SO TOTALLY disagree. And that doesn't make me hypocritical, stupid, or ignorant. That's all.

And when I hear bands like Extol, Zao, P.O.D, Blindside, and Living Sacrifice trashed for having christian beliefs and playing metal(people actually expect them to play soft-rock) how should I feel?

That's not fair...
Religion is false and retarded as hell and is not real. And yes Chriatianity and other religions harm the world and seperate the race and people and cause more problems,wars etc....
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