Are you christian and like Black Metal?

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Since when does anyone's religion play a part in what they can and cannot listen to? Why is religion even a factor in who listens to what? Fuck all that, it's about the music for me, nothing more, nothing less.
NocturnalSun said:
and clangorous, I take my religion SERIOUSLY. It's not something to be thrown around and I'm not going to take shit from anyone bashing my religion ok? When you say you are bashing all religions, you fail to realize MY religion IS in what you call "all religions", so I should take that personally. what we have here is a conflict of cultures, though. You judge everything based on what you've seen in India. I judge everything based on what I've seen in America. People in your country are a TON different than the people I'm used to in America (goes along with the priest discussion). I just want to get across to you that your word is not fact. when you say priests ONLY listen to music for those mentioned reasons, it is most certainly not fact. It may be to you because of what you've seen, but that's only in India. Think outside the box man (but I guess the same could be said about me, right?) when you're dealing with other countries and cultures. so are we cool on that? :err:

That was my point too, Anyway i am kool with that, no probs , u gave ur opinions , i gave mine , Good atleast u realised that ppl are different in different countries and cultures. About the Priests thing , since epicous asked abt the Priests in Hinduism , I gave him the info abt them, If u don wanna believe it as a fact , its left to u, As u said its only in India ( Yup thats true maximum number of Hindus stay in India). About thinkin outside the box , i am sure i am doin that, otherwise why would I come to a forum to discuss these things , As u can see i am almost the only Person posting from India. Anyways no hard feelings, Our only motive should be to save this Genre of Music ( i meant Metal ) from dying ( Its already on a Slow poison ) , hmmm
Long live Metal !!! :worship: .

P.S : It was just a coincidence that this song was playing when i posted this Message, Don think i am being sarcastic or playing it on purpose :D :wave:
diabolical vengeance said:
I can't believe there's people out there you actually take that christian bullshit seriously LOL.
I can't believe there are people out there that waste their time giving a shit about what other people believe.

diabolical vengeance said:
Metal is about strength, individuality, creativity and anti-herd behaviour, which is incompatible with montheism in general.
Metal is here to herd all the anti-herders into their own anti-heard herd.

Being a christian that is into metal seems to be the about the most metal thing you can do according to your definitions of metal.

To me metal is first and foremost about the music.

You make the implication the christians who like metal are posers yet you seem overly concerned with making sure that only the right sort of people listen to metal.

Listen to the start of the eruption, the main riff off mother north or the riff near the end of mourning palace and tell me that to apreciate that and to think it sounds awesome you have to be against christianity.
Dusk said:
Metal is here to herd all the anti-herders into their own anti-heard herd.

Being a christian that is into metal seems to be the about the most metal thing you can do according to your definitions of metal.
Excellent. You said what I was going to say if this thread continued on its downward spiral into petty insults.

Metalheads tend to think of themselves as a special tribe, exclusive only to those who listen to metal for all the right reasons and abide by all the rules. Thing is, NO ONE knows exactly what those reasons or rules are. There is no Guideline to Listening Metal. Seriously, who would have the authority to make such inane "rules"? The artist? The artist could care less if you worship a piece of cow shit perched up on your mantle, as long as you buy his product.

The thinking that metalheads are some sort of special cult falls under *drumroll* herd mentality, the exact thing that metalheads are so determined to dodge. In other words, many metalheads have become what they hate.

And if metal is about rebellion, about going against the rules, then like Dusk said, being a Christian and listening to metal (especially black metal) is the most "metal" thing that a person can do.

Well said, Dusk.
I totally agree with both of u !!!. Well said Dusk. So called Metal Heads
claim to be different yet they are acting like others. One dont have to be a
Metal fanatic to appreciate Good music (be it Metal itself) :hotjump:
Dreamlord and Dusk are spot on.
This wide spread notion that metal is about being an individual or some open minded, creative entity, is basically a puddle of piss.Anyone who's been to a show can testify as to what I'm talking about.
No, maybe you don't look like Susie Jenkins, the 12 grade cheerleader who buys everything except her tampons at GAP, but when you're in that audience for Marduk, floating in a violent tide of hair and black, do you think you're unique?Maybe if you're wearing a Menudo t-shirt, you are, but otherwise there is an unofficial uniform that the majority of metal heads conform to.
I know I went off on a tangent there but the levels of pretention (see: delusion) in this genre are sickening.
NocturnalSun said:
I told you, Int, It's a marketing scheme. people who are anti-establishment like to do anything that falls under the lable 'anti-something', so what better than to write lyrics bashing the world's most popular religion, and thus guaranteeing you album sales among the anti-establishment people. (example: YOUR KIND)

It strikes me as odd that a band would bash the world's most popular religion to sell CDs. Surely there are more Christians than antiestablishmentarianists, and, by your logic, writing (non-metal) Christian music would guarantee album sales (ignoring the fact that it is NOT a sufficient reason to buy an album just because the band in question opposes religion). These black metal bands are hardly rolling in it. kind? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
I'm not gonna go on anymore about this shit, Int. If you didn't pick up anything at all from Dreamlord, Dusk, and LordFireWorm and decided to zero in on my post, then you must be stupid... I've been discussing all of this in the Satanism & Metal thread since last September and frankly, I'm really tired of going on and on and getting nowhere. Go read all 13 pages of the Satanism and Metal thread and you might learn something. I will explain no further...

and clangorous, good that we agree now :)
Dusk and Dreamlord, excellent points. Perhaps some metalheads will see that as a wakeup call.
Dreamlord said:
And if metal is about rebellion, about going against the rules, then like Dusk said, being a Christian and listening to metal (especially black metal) is the most "metal" thing that a person can do.
Many bands oppose Christianity because it is a main cause for the awful state of the world. Granted, some bands are just rebellious for the sake of it, but members of those bands tend to be unintelligent and this shows through in their music.
Fair enough, but I'm not challenging the ideals of particular bands, but the black metal scene as a whole. If these bands cared to do proper research, they'd realize that Christianity is not even the most populus religion, Islam is, which has a very violent past just like Christianity. I'm not sure of the reason these black metal bands tend to stick with Christianity. Perhaps because the majority of black metal are from Scandinavia, which has a strong Christian following. Even if some black metal bands attack Christianity out of serious spite (and I'm sure they exist) it still comes off as mere attention whoring, probably due to, like you said, the less intelligent bands.
NocturnalSun said:
I'm not gonna go on anymore about this shit, Int. If you didn't pick up anything at all from Dreamlord, Dusk, and LordFireWorm and decided to zero in on my post, then you must be stupid... I've been discussing all of this in the Satanism & Metal thread since last September and frankly, I'm really tired of going on and on and getting nowhere. Go read all 13 pages of the Satanism and Metal thread and you might learn something. I will explain no further...

I think you're stupid.

Oh, and:

Int said: kind? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
NocturnalSun said:
wow we really have resorted to only meaningless insults :lol: "I think you're stupid."

I didn't see it as meaningless, heh. ;)

your kind, I said that because you came off (in my opinion) as one of the anti-establishmentals/ists who will buy music for the fact that it is anti-something.

Oh, okay. I'm not. :p
my bad then. one who defends the anti-establishmentists is normally one of them himself, so I assumed that. and btw man, insults over the internet are rather meaningless. the quote goes "Fighting online is like the special olympics. You may win but you're still retarded."
Guardian of Darkness said:
Many bands oppose Christianity because it is a main cause for the awful state of the world. Granted, some bands are just rebellious for the sake of it, but members of those bands tend to be unintelligent and this shows through in their music.
You know the rules people, come on, you cannot critisize something based on the abuse of it. And as for the last part, for it to be intelligent rebellion it has to be against something, and I agree, those bands are just rebelling for the sake of it, not particularly against anything.
JColtrane said:
You know the rules people, come on, you cannot critisize something based on the abuse of it.
What rules? The rules that Christianity has placed upon the world? I don't think most black metallers are against abuse of Christian rules, but rather against the values themselves, and the effect they have had upon the world as a whole.
Guardian of Darkness said:
What rules? The rules that Christianity has placed upon the world? I don't think most black metallers are against abuse of Christian rules, but rather against the values themselves, and the effect they have had upon the world as a whole.
What Christian values have had a negative effect on the world? It appears to me that you are just creating something that doesn't exist and rebelling against that. Find out what Christianity truly is before you critisize it. And the rule is, of course, that you don't critisize something based on the abuse of it.
Yeah, I don't think the point of Christianity was to create world problems.

I think it was God's rules from 0 A.D. till about when Islam really showed up. My opinion, of course...

I don't think it's fair to criticize Christians today for things that happened a long time ago, the same way blaming all Muslims for 9/11 or all Jews for the Israeli-Palentinian conflict(just blame the leaders circa 1948) is foolish, idiotic, and ultimately pointless.
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