I told you, Int, It's a marketing scheme. people who are anti-establishment like to do anything that falls under the lable 'anti-something', so what better than to write lyrics bashing the world's most popular religion, and thus guaranteeing you album sales among the anti-establishment people. (example: YOUR KIND)
However, not buying their albums and instead downloading them, guarantess that they will see NO money from it, so my listening to the songs is not supporting them in any way whatsoever, and it's most certainly not a sin to listen to it, as I don't believe in the shit they say.
now, Dreamlord, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, you managed to bring both sides of the argument into one reply nicely
I would fall under the 'listening simply to hear some good music to pass the time' category. That is the whole point I'm trying to stress to people. I don't share their ideology (if it is a true ideology, which is not true for 90% of the bands actually), and I don't listen because "it's the cool thing to do." actually that last one is very far-fetched, as listening to black metal more often than not makes you an outlaw once people know you listen, so it's definitely not because of that last reason.
I can definitely see how that type of music can have an impression upon weak-minded and wannabe rebel teens, though. good note there, as it's what I've been trying to stress, but haven't come up with the right words to express it.
and clangorous, I take my religion SERIOUSLY. It's not something to be thrown around and I'm not going to take shit from anyone bashing my religion ok? When you say you are bashing all religions, you fail to realize MY religion IS in what you call "all religions", so I should take that personally. what we have here is a conflict of cultures, though. You judge everything based on what you've seen in India. I judge everything based on what I've seen in America. People in your country are a TON different than the people I'm used to in America (goes along with the priest discussion). I just want to get across to you that your word is not fact. when you say priests ONLY listen to music for those mentioned reasons, it is most certainly not fact. It may be to you because of what you've seen, but that's only in India. Think outside the box man (but I guess the same could be said about me, right?) when you're dealing with other countries and cultures. so are we cool on that?