Are you christian and like Black Metal?

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henrikmain said:
A tad arrogant, are we? It's simply something that you cannot know, as you cannot give any proof. I'm alright with you being a Christian and all, but you BELIEVE, you don't know. Noone knows. Noone can give proof of God's existence. Noone can give proof of the opposite either.
I believe he was saying that Christianity doesn't cause the world any problems (and I agree). He's not trying to prove that god exists.
yea, if you've read what I've been saying, I've already stated that proof cannot be placed for God and against God, so nobody is right. It's all a matter of faith --- you have it or you don't. David A, I really feel like a good Swede-bashfest right now, but I won't go there... Insult me if you feel like it, but don't bash the fucking U.S. dude. This is how wars are started buddy (im not implying anything though).

Living Inside, your name says it all. You're apparently out of touch with the outside world. Why don't you look over the other pages in this thread and come up with a comment actually worth hearing.
and speaking of Christianity being the bad religion that harms the world...

The pope just recently (this week) held a concert with a massive choir composed of hundreds of people. The good thing? They brought in Jews, Muslims, Christians, and a few others I can't remember to fill the ranks of the choir. Along with that, they had various religious leaders on hand to represent the groups. All were at peace with each other and got along quite well. The choir also performed superbly and, musically speaking, a choir cannot perform to their fullest unless the members are at peace with each other and have good relations. look for the article to come out on CNN sometime soon or another news station, as this is really new news. I just saw the section tonight on the evening news.

Still think Christians are the bad guys?
check this out...'

Need more? search on basically anything dealing with the pope and Christianity on CNN and you will be greeted with endless articles of the good things and strides Christianity has taken to make and promote peace.
NocturnalSun said:
and speaking of Christianity being the bad religion that harms the world...

The pope just recently (this week) held a concert with a massive choir composed of hundreds of people. The good thing? They brought in Jews, Muslims, Christians, and a few others I can't remember to fill the ranks of the choir. Along with that, they had various religious leaders on hand to represent the groups. All were at peace with each other and got along quite well. The choir also performed superbly and, musically speaking, a choir cannot perform to their fullest unless the members are at peace with each other and have good relations. look for the article to come out on CNN sometime soon or another news station, as this is really new news. I just saw the section tonight on the evening news.

Still think Christians are the bad guys?
check this out...'

Need more? search on basically anything dealing with the pope and Christianity on CNN and you will be greeted with endless articles of the good things and strides Christianity has taken to make and promote peace.
Ever stopped to think that the Christian moral values may be a main cause for the mindless herding which is causing humans to destroy their own planet?
Seems ridiculous, doesn't it? But you aren't thinking about it deeply enough. Consider that western-world humans have turned out the way they have because they've grown up in a Judeo-Christian society, in which all freedom is an illusion. You can't fail to acknowledge that Christianity must have a huge effect on humans, and humans are destroying themselves, what does this tell you?
Christianity is destructive to the Earth in that it states that your god made men to rule over Earth and all of its other creatures. Native religions, i.e. not the pestilent plague that is Christianity (where it is part of the religion to SPREAD it to others for whom Christianity is a totally alien religion,) generally teach that man should live in harmony with nature, that man is a PART of nature and should respect it. Christianity does not have this. Christianity says, "hey, this world is yours, 'cause God gave it to you. Do with is as you wish. Poison nature, torture animals. Do as you please."
Yes, he did give us the earth, however he also granted us a thing called FREE WILL. You can either CHOOSE to do good or CHOOSE to to bad. Choose to do bad without repenting, well you know the consequences... But choose to do good and have a deeper understanding of the faith.

And as far as freedom goes, isn't all freedom an illusion anyway? there's no infinite freedom anywhere, there's always restrictions to go along with them. Freedom is an illusion made by those with power to try and keep those under them from getting out of hand.

Christianity may have a big impact on the wester world, but you still missed by point a good few times. It is not the fault of the religion, it is the fault of the human. Humans can fuck up. We can erre, that's the whole deal with being a human. You get this earth and everything on it and you even get free will tossed into the deal, but you have the ability to not use it right and stray from the path of good. That's the whole thing. Christianity does not cause humans to go to war. Humans cause humans to go to war. Don't you see? eh... I really don't know why I'm still here explaining this to you because you won't hear a word I'm saying because you nailed your damn ears shut to anything good about Christianity...
and David A, you're a fuckin horrible person if you believe the holocaust was good. MILLIONS died as a result of some bogus Nazi movement led by Hitler, and you think he should be praised for what he did? Imagine if you were one of them, would you want to die totally unprovoked and based solely on the fact that you believe in something? I'm sure the millions dead didn't want to die...

You need to go to a psychiatrist or someone really quick and get your mind straight if you honestly believe in that shit. The whole site is biased to one side, not allowing judeo-christians to get a word in anywhere. The site would be much more valid and the views would change a hell of a lot more if they allowed judeo-Christians a chance to speak also. line from the site: "Christians are stupider and less deceptive than Jews and therefore are usually heard talking about how offensive something is, and how it must be banned. " Oh really? So you've heard me talk about how offensive something is and how I must ban it? When was this because I can't remember one time I thought something should be banned. That site's information as I said is totally unreliable and misinformed.

It focuses completely on the followers' bad points and allows no room for the far-outweighing good points. Such is the attitude of the media and news nowadays. They tend to focus on the bad things that happened in the world 95% of the time. You never hear anything about 'little Susie saved a dog from a stormdrain today' or 'local man donates money to local charity' on the news. Why? CUZ IT DOESN'T GET PEOPLE TO WATCH IT!!! Evil sells and they know that so they use it to their advantage. The site you showed me also knows this, and fitting of them they chose to point out only the bad views of the followers and bring up the past hypocrisy cases against the present followers.

This site is so irrelevant it's unbelievable that anyone would take it seriously. The site is (figuratively speaking) being the big bully 5th grader beating up on the 2nd grader for being a 2nd grader. And as we all know the 2nd grader can't stand up for himself in this situation and ends up on the ground, completely at a loss for why he was attacked in the first place.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Ever stopped to think that the Christian moral values may be a main cause for the mindless herding which is causing humans to destroy their own planet?
If humans destroy their own planet its their own damn fault. A lot of people are stupid by nature and they take every excuse possible to do stupid things. It's about time that people take responsibility on their own actions and not blame a religion. Christianity is supposed to be a good thing, but a lot of mindfucked people use religion to give validity to their actions.
If you say we can't blame all christians for actions done by a few, then why do you keep praising all christians for the 'good' done by a great many less?
Also, it's not only the things christians have done I'm against, it's the christian way of thinking, which to me seems totally incomprehendable and stupid. First and foremost I think I'd put the never dying philosophy of forcing christian ideals and thoughts onto people who never wanted anything to do with it.

"And as far as freedom goes, isn't all freedom an illusion anyway? there's no infinite freedom anywhere, there's always restrictions to go along with them. Freedom is an illusion made by those with power to try and keep those under them from getting out of hand."
Are you saying this 'god' of yours gave us an illusion?
Yes, he did give us the earth, however he also granted us a thing called FREE WILL. You can either CHOOSE to do good or CHOOSE to to bad. Choose to do bad without repenting, well you know the consequences... But choose to do good and have a deeper understanding of the faith.
I'd have to disagree again. Choice is an illusion, we're all products of genetics and environmental experience. You were always going to choose the things you choose.

And as far as freedom goes, isn't all freedom an illusion anyway? there's no infinite freedom anywhere, there's always restrictions to go along with them. Freedom is an illusion made by those with power to try and keep those under them from getting out of hand.
You're backing up my statement, freedom is an illusion created because those with power want more control. But true freedom is attainable.

Christianity may have a big impact on the wester world, but you still missed by point a good few times. It is not the fault of the religion, it is the fault of the human. Humans can fuck up. We can erre, that's the whole deal with being a human. You get this earth and everything on it and you even get free will tossed into the deal, but you have the ability to not use it right and stray from the path of good. That's the whole thing. Christianity does not cause humans to go to war. Humans cause humans to go to war. Don't you see? eh... I really don't know why I'm still here explaining this to you because you won't hear a word I'm saying because you nailed your damn ears shut to anything good about Christianity...
Humans fucked up when they created God. ;)

There is no free will, methinks.

I don't hate Christians. I don't blame Christians. I do, however, feel that Christianity has a negative impact on the whole. Don't make the mistake of believing that my mind isn't open. You just haven't changed my view.
Ultimate_Symphony said:
If humans destroy their own planet its their own damn fault. A lot of people are stupid by nature and they take every excuse possible to do stupid things. It's about time that people take responsibility on their own actions and not blame a religion. Christianity is supposed to be a good thing, but a lot of mindfucked people use religion to give validity to their actions.
Oh come on, the main reason humans are self-destructive is the world they were born into.
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