Are you christian and like Black Metal?

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Guardian of Darkness said:
My point is that unless something changes, the human race is going to dig itself and everything into a hole too deep to get out of (if it hasn't already).
Oh well, human race will continue digging itself deeper and deeper throughout the years.
No matter what you do you won't be able to change anything. You might want to change the world, but you can't change the world by yourself.
The people who attempt to debunk science usually don't know enough about it. In making their arguments, they leave out key facts that would invalidate their perspective. A good site:

Fuckchrist is an excellent site.

Anyways, the Christian worldview emphasizes that nature was created by god for man. This leads to lack of respect for the natural world and destructive(self-destructive in the long run) behavior. Followers are indoctrinated, religion does not favor close, scientific analysis. It cannot because it has very little concrete ground on which to stand. Followers don't use their brains as they could, they're too busy being sheep. They adopt a black/white worldview which is simply fallacious. The judaic religions are pacifist. They lead people to mediocrity and inertia. The whole is enervated for the good of the weak, the incompetent, the dying, etc. This moralistic behavior isn't rooted in logical function. Religion is death, for in dead it toils.
enough of this, this is going nowhere. You will stick to your very uninformed arguments against Christianity and I will continue to defend it. Basically, it leads to a dead end. You have no proof God isn't real, I have no proof he is. Yet I will still believe and nothing will change that. I think everyone can agree on one thing for once... that this will go nowhere if it continues.

I will reply no more. I did this back a few months ago on the Satanism & metal thread and held to it until the thread somehow resurrected and has since been on a downward spiral. From here on out, I will no longer reply to this tjread so goodbye, so long, farewell, and to all you nazi supporters and 'judeo christian holocausters', you seriously need to calm down. Christianity is doing nothing to you, so just back the fuck up.
Actually, Svenska Kyrkan (The Church of Sweden) will take 1.2% of all the money I might make in the future unless I leave, and I'm a member because my parents are, even though I'm not even baptized or have had anything to do with the church ever in my life. Thus, they do something to me, directly, as to most other swedes.
Sorath said:
Actually, Svenska Kyrkan (The Church of Sweden) will take 1.2% of all the money I might make in the future unless I leave, and I'm a member because my parents are, even though I'm not even baptized or have had anything to do with the church ever in my life. Thus, they do something to me, directly, as to most other swedes.
Låter som att du behöver en knuff i rätt riktning. Låt mig förmedla den:
Jo, jag har den redan, jag har bara inte orkat bry mig om att gå ur än. Jag börjar ändå itne tjäna pengar på ett jävla tag så de ska inte hinna juda åt sig några av mina slantar. Det otrevliga är att de flesta snällt betalar den skatten utan att veta vad fan de gör.
Men det börjar förändras, då barn som föds i dag inte längre blir medlemmar automatiskt. Ge det några generationer så ska nog landsplågan vara borta för gott... Om den då verkligen ersattes av något bättre är dock öppet för diskussion.
NocturnalSun said:
yea, if you've read what I've been saying, I've already stated that proof cannot be placed for God and against God, so nobody is right. It's all a matter of faith --- you have it or you don't.
If the thread had stopped here, everyone would have won.

I'm sorry, could someone translate for the non-Scandinavians please?
epicous said:
clang, is there any black metal band from India that compose themes inspirated by evil hindu gods?

Hey epicous,
Thanx for being interested in the Indian Underground Metal Scene, There are lot of Black Metal bands here too, To name a few who became noticed world wide, Demonic Ressurection, they made quite a name in the Asian countries, they have their lyrics in the Darklyrics website, This is the link if u r interested

There is no band which is anti Hindu Gods ,most of them are Generally Anti God ( not against any particular Religion ), There is one more underground band from my City called Arcane Ritual, they are also kickass, they used to have a female guitarist. There is a Thrash Metal band called Mind Snare which has a female Drummer, she is better than most of the Male drummers here, Only reason Bands are not being recognised is lack of funds, No record label support them like in the USA or the UK , also not many listen to Metal here. if u wanna chk out more abt Indian Bands , chk this link out :kickass:
Sorath said:
Islams intrång har väl olyckligtvis bara börjat...
Det var inte det jag menade, jag menade att folk vänder kristendomen ryggen av fel anledning; att de inte orkar bry sig om någonting för de är för jävla upptagna med att bli feta och se på TV.
Erik said:
Det var inte det jag menade, jag menade att folk vänder kristendomen ryggen av fel anledning; att de inte orkar bry sig om någonting för de är för jävla upptagna med att bli feta och se på TV.

All he's saying is people try and turn christianity is something which it isn't and basically is saying that he's a christian. I guess he wrote it in Swedish because he knows how pathetic christianity is and didn't want people to think any less of him.
I did not say I'm a christian, I said I was a member of the Church of Sweden even though I never have wanted to take part of anything of the kind, but I automatically became a member because my parents are. That kind of thing doesn't happen to children born after 2000 or something like that, though. I will leave as soon as I stop being so fucking lazy.
i'm very anti-religion on the whole, so i wouldn't say i'm a christian. Not that i'm into the opposite, namely the extreme right etc black metal... I'm an out and out atheist.

I don't have a problem with christians, i have a problem with christianity itself, but just as much and in the same way as i have a problem with all religions worshiping the deification of a single "supreme being" or such like.

i know this is a very lame reply so feel free to point and laugh.
I have a problem with christians mainly because they promote christianity and because they claim to follow the words of their 'god' like sheep. Not many, however, follow the bible, which is meant to be the words of their 'god'.
But you still shouldn't catergorize all Christians by a few hypocrites or bigots. That's like me saying all metalheads worship Satan just because I know a few retarded ones that do. If I didn't believe my God was the true one, or that my beliefs had some value to them moreso than others, my faith would be useless. You all preach against those who have faith and offer hope, but I have yet to hear or see any of you try to give explanations or hope. As far as I know, there are traces of divinity all over our world that we would have to be blind not to see.
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