Are you working out?

So - are you making that body fit?

  • Yes, often

    Votes: 12 30.8%
  • Now and then

    Votes: 9 23.1%
  • Never!

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • Never have, never will

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • There is no need ;)

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • I planned to for years, but..

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 7.7%

  • Total voters
I had a break for 6 months. I can't see a big difference on my body,
but I feel like shit in a way... so now I started again and it feels
fucking GREAT! Weights, bicycle, running and swimming (I haven't
started on the swimming yet). I recommend it :)
I don't work out anymore...I used to lift weights a pretty good bit and started running. I've had a workout room at my disposal for two years now and haven't used it that much. I think in the next few weeks before college starts I'll start running and trying to get into shape again.

My metabolism is very high so I do nothing all day and don't gain any weight. I just don't feel that great, really, and I enjoy the feeling after I've had a good workout. I also need to start eating healthier foods, especially just eating various fruits or a salad instead of chips etc. I'm glad my college has 2 workout centers...I think I'll use them 2-3 times a week or more if I can. I also definitely plan to learn how to snowboard so I think that will be a good thing. :)
Originally posted by Silent Downfall
there's no need for me. i have an absurdly high metabolism so i eat whatever the fuck i want and sit on my ass all day and retain my ripped physique (ok maybe not RIPPED, well.. one of my friends did say 'how did you get so ripped' one time). anyway i am a skinny bastard but i have an 8-pack.

Do you fidget a lot by any chance? I'm the same as you - I can eat a hell of a lot and not put on any weight..

But most people have around the same metabolic rate (>99%) - all the overweight people who blame it on their slow metablosim nearly always actually have a higher metabolism than most to burn off much of the food they eat..

Anywho, in a study some scientists carried out over here they discovered the people that could eat so much and not put on weight fidgetted, and could burn off over a third of their daily intake of calories by just not sitting still...
I fidget a right now I have my feet propped on the side of my desk and am moving my legs back and forth. When I am in school, I always move my legs or tap my foot on the floor or on the desk in front of me. I have to constantly stay moving. :)
Originally posted by Russell
Oh yeah, also people who fidget a lot are supposed to be natural drummer.. :err: Hmmm
Maybe that explains why I bought a guitar and only played it a few times. I just can't get into it...I've always thought about playing drums but never made the attempt to play them or thought about buying a drumkit. I'd have to practice a lot, but I can definitely see myself as a drummer. Interesting...I'll have to look into some drumkits. Any suggestions? :D
Originally posted by OpethianSoul
I crack my knuckles a lot, too. I don't do it so much anymore, but I used to do it once an hour at least in school. :)

I do it way more than once every hour... and allthe bones (I think) in my body it's possible to do too.. I'm trying to stop as apparently it can give you arthiritis..
Originally posted by OpethianSoul
Maybe that explains why I bought a guitar and only played it a few times. I just can't get into it...I've always thought about playing drums but never made the attempt to play them or thought about buying a drumkit. I'd have to practice a lot, but I can definitely see myself as a drummer. Interesting...I'll have to look into some drumkits. Any suggestions? :D

I play guitar too so.. hmmm, strange... Anywho do take it up, it's a hell of a lot of fun ;) I suck on hardware, but Pearl do good quality, decently priced kits to start off with I think :) I concentrate more on trying to play them than buying them :D Having a teacher, at least while you start off is a great help too...