:: art gallery :: >> in here

@rahvin: "suggestions" my bubu. i don't know if this counts as a silly one (or two, depending on the screen resolution) liner, but I suggest you read those posts on the new IF board and then you give me your opinion. it _is_ the same guy.

Originally posted by hyena
@rahvin: "suggestions" my bubu. i don't know if this counts as a silly one (or two, depending on the screen resolution) liner, but I suggest you read those posts on the new IF board and then you give me your opinion. it _is_ the same guy.


@hyena: yes, I admit to being the same guy who registered the nick Thanatos over there :rolleyes:

@rahvin: I wouldn't like this thread merged with othre, mainly because Skald's posts happen once in every eclipse, and he is my candidate for forum survivor...:)
@hyena: actually, i didn't bother to check because i'm not really interested in who that guy is.

@thanatos: putting your champion through hardships is going to make him tougher and stronger. :p

@rei and the gang: why doesn't someone start a site to host all the DD tour pics until the guys come back and maybe place them on the official page? please please... would be much easier to see...

@Ingenous: I like your drawings very much. Will you (plisssss) post some more?
Superchivita (the one who still can´t understand why are you called and self-called robot)(your posts are very human-like)
Originally posted by |ngenius
@Hyena: Hahahahaha, that's funny. I've been called "Manolo" by our mexican fellow Thanatos, due to a strange joke of changing our real names (ask Thanatos if you wanna know why, I simply followed the joke). That started between FatherVic and Thanatos, I think Mastermelon was called "Venancio", which obviously is not his real name.

Originally posted by rahvin
:rolleyes: obviously :rolleyes: i'm afraid your implications about our knowledge of legit names in the spanish/mexican/catalan culture are utterly wrong. :D in short: what's wrong with venancio? :p

I think I explained this to Venancio once...here in Mexico, there are a lot of dumb gallegos (people from Spain's province Galicia) jokes, very much like american blonde jokes, and the names of the spaniards are always Venancio and Manolo and since FatherVic and |ngenuo are goofy characters I thought the names suited them :lol: but Venancio never explained why he calls me Jacinto, that's an ugly sounding name .
@Superchivita: Without any intention of being rude or unpolite, let me insist about this point: |-n-g-e-n-I-u-s. Each one's name is something quite personal, and you won't play with personal affairs, will you? ;)

@Jacinto: Eso también va por ti, mi pequeño mexicanito. Q tal las damas, muchacho? :rolleyes:

Concerning the "robot" issue, my very first avatar was the Bender's head. I chose that avatar in order to make a joke to my fellow and close animal being FatherVic (it was a clue to discover my identity, which wasn't unveiled the first time I joined to the board). The old fellows still know me as "the catalan robot". :D

|ng (Arghh, I did nothing and I'm very tired!)
@dark_jester: very nice drawing :) we wanna see more, c'mon don't be shy ;)

@|ngenius: yes, i do agree with superchivita: post some more drawings!!! they're damn good :grin:
Originally posted by |ngenius
@Jacinto: Eso también va por ti, mi pequeño mexicanito. Q tal las damas, muchacho? :rolleyes:

Las damas, bien como siempre, y tu, ya no contestas el mail? :p