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Sometimes I get feeling that
you guys don´t appreciate me too much. :(
Sometimes I get the feeling
that I should destroy something beautiful and unique... :cry:
Originally posted by Thanatos
lets forget about the art gallery, how much do you appreciate me rahvin? :muahaha:

beyond mere words can say. :blush:

lately i'm starting to love everybody that, upon seeing or hearing from me, doesn't express the strong wish of never ever have to contemplate my sorry face - or that of my friends - again.
if you think i'm not being selective enough, think again.

people who don't want to see your friends should reason that they might just see them as the last thing they see in their life.

h (funny interval)
Originally posted by rahvin
lately i'm starting to love everybody that, upon seeing or hearing from me, doesn't express the strong wish of never ever have to contemplate my sorry face - or that of my friends - again.
if you think i'm not being selective enough, think again.

why would anyone not want to see you and your friends again? it's not like you're (too) mean or ugly :confused:
Originally posted by Thanatos
why would anyone not want to see you and your friends again? it's not like you're (too) mean or ugly :confused:

they're jealous of our relationship and afraid we might decide to batter up against them on account of their often completely idiotic and hurtful decisions. no matter what anyone will tell you in the future, these are the only true reasons. :)

@hyena: of course i don't know that you were threatening anybody - in fact you wanted to suggest how pleasant it would be to have you by their side on their deathbed - because in order to make our relationship healthier i'm just nodding and smiling complacently without questioning your stances anymore. :lol:


I guess this would apply to The DT singer and Jesus thread.
maybe I'm not good at drawing, but I took this pics and put togeteher the animation.

This is my little poodle, Candy, listening to Punish My Heaven :rock:

Originally posted by Siren
@Arch: Where's Niklas? :confused:

@Thanatos: :lol: she rocks! :rock:

Niklas is behind Anders. I used a current picture of him... a slight resemblance to Kurt Cobain.
Cute poodle, Thanatos. :)
This isn't my creation (thank goodness), but I decided to post it:

To add something which may or may not be art, here is the ugly wallpaper I was referring to in the thread about funny bands. Even if you don't know who the guy is, it's still quite amusing.

It's in the attachment in the first post. View it at your own risk and not while eating. There's also a link to a gallery further down.

This is better than getting this right?

I doubt anyone will ever use the wallpaper... :lol: