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Get a hair cut and get a real jarrrrb...Clean your act up and don't be a slarrrrb...Get it together like your big Brother Barrrrrb...he's got a hair-cut...he's got a real jarrrb :heh:

Why would you want to cut your hair?
Because your sick of hot girls playing with it? [NO you wouldn't!]

did/does maiden post in music related bits?
I listen too soooooooo much music it racks my f#@*|?ing brains.

Everyday for the past two weeks I listen to that song, and I say to myself..Why the fuck would I want to cut my hair off..fuck that :rock:

you can learn alot from said songs.

did that answer JAGEagents Question?
Don't cut your hair or We'll get divorced! and U'll never see ur kids again !
Why would any guy wanna cut his hair ? It's so sexy when kept long !
nothing wrong with hating yourself, but it can't be healthy for you, crack a smile now and again it helps, then you can kiss my hairy ass, I call it Donkey :grin:

How much wood can a wood chucker chuck wood?