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Get a hair cut and get a real jarrrrb...Clean your act up and don't be a slarrrrb...Get it together like your big Brother Barrrrrb...he's got a hair-cut...he's got a real jarrrb :heh:

Why would you want to cut your hair?
Because your sick of hot girls playing with it? [NO you wouldn't!]

did/does maiden post in music related bits?
I listen too soooooooo much music it racks my f#@*|?ing brains.

Everyday for the past two weeks I listen to that song, and I say to myself..Why the fuck would I want to cut my hair off..fuck that :headbang:

you can learn alot from said songs.

did that answer JAGEagents Question?
Don't cut your hair or We'll get divorced! and U'll never see ur kids again !
Why would any guy wanna cut his hair ? It's so sexy when kept long !
^^what else are you going to eat boring ass crackers with?

Would you like to hail the new flesh?
nothing wrong with hating yourself, but it can't be healthy for you, crack a smile now and again it helps, then you can kiss my hairy ass, I call it Donkey :D

How much wood can a wood chucker chuck wood?
^^Too much BEER in the bottle :kickass:^^

^So they can block the hole in their arse^

what cheap drink do you drink when you want to get pissed?