ATL Metal Fans - Pathfinder Promotions Presents...

Yes it will! lol We're gonna play probably an hour to hour and a half set of originals and covers with guest performances from (hopefully) almost everyone who has ever been in the band and/or done guest work in the past. It's gonna be a fun show, and a great way to end things on a good note. So, come out and prepare to have a blast! Especially if you like And the 80's... And/or spandex... hahaha

I Seriously Hate To Use Cliche's,
And I"LL BE THERE W/ BELLS ON!!! :rock:
...yeah, even with a busted ankle I can't be stopped :flame:


WOW! Cage is opening for Eternal Hour? Pretty cool!
...Oh & I also forgot to mention to everyone on here & mainly my ATL peeps,
I will be one of the many Guest Vocalist & Performers for this AWESOME show!!! :kickass: :rock:
actually, CAGE is not 'opening' for Eternal Hour. CAGE are special guest performers at this show that happens to be the Farewell Performance for Eternal Hour. So if you want to see Eternal Hour, this will be your last chance.

I've seen both bands and they rock! Why do the great local bands not seem to last very long?:erk:
We are proud to announce that ARTIZAN will be opening for CRIMSON GLORY
at the 2010 Pathfinder Metalfest in Marietta, GA on Saturday, Nov. 6th. Check out all of the fantastic bands we get to follow!
