Avant-Garde Metal

how do you show evidence of a genre? every genre, by definition, has respective characteristics. an example of a jazz characteristic is a jazz-styled improvisation (scales for different harmony, jazz scales like bebop scale etc). show me the part that is apparantly so jazzy, ie name the song and the song time, and then tell me why its so jazzy. because people throw around stuff like jazz, blues etc all the time to name things that arent related at all
how do you show evidence of a genre? every genre, by definition, has respective characteristics. an example of a jazz characteristic is a jazz-styled improvisation (scales for different harmony, jazz scales like bebop scale etc). show me the part that is apparantly so jazzy, ie name the song and the song time, and then tell me why its so jazzy. because people throw around stuff like jazz, blues etc all the time to name things that arent related at all

It's in the ears/head. Simple as that. You often tend towards theory too much, when the majority of the people LISTEN to the different musical stylings, genres, whatever. Do you LISTEN to music or LOOK at it?
why? because none of you know anything about jazz and just regurgitate what wikipedia and all that shit says? show me some fucking evidence next time, or just shut the fuck up
It's in the ears/head. Simple as that. You often tend towards theory too much, when the majority of the people LISTEN to the different musical stylings, genres, whatever. Do you LISTEN to music or LOOK at it?

something will SOUND jazzy for a reason because jazz has certain characteristics. same with every genre. the problem is the only 'jazz' ive been told about in this forum is a general bullshit statement like 'the bass, or the drums'. if you are so confident in throwing the term jazz around, why dont you tell me what exactly is, or sounds, so damn jazzy and then relate it back to jazz. because something cant sound jazzy unless it is somehow related to jazz. if you think it does all it means is you dont know what jazz is
Ensoph, anybody?

And Vuashke, I have no fucking knowledge in music theory, if you want to read something like "they use a 6/8 mesure time with fade-in at the end of a measure and the product of the measures give a multiple of 5" I'm not the good man to give you an answer. But, what I know, and what is related to THIS TOPIC, is that everbody I know who enjoy avant-garde metal enjoy too Atheist, here is the reason why I added them to the list, if you don't agree with it, well, it's your opinion and I don't want to argue it, but why so many pointless questions???
Ensoph, anybody?

And Vuashke, I have no fucking knowledgein music theory, if you want to read something like "they use a 6/8 mesure time with fade-in at the end of a measure and the product of the measures give a multiple of 5" I'm not the good man to give you an answer. But, what I know, and what is related to THIS TOPIC, is that everbody I know who enjoy avant-garde metal enjoy too Atheist, here is the reason why I added them to the list, if you don't agree with it, well, it's your opinion and I don't want to argue it, but why so many pointless questions???

then dont fucking talk about shit that you have no knowledge about, or AT THE VERY LEAST tell me where in the atheist song there is such clear jazzy moments. if you dont know anything about theory then you wont know anything about jazz because jazz = theory. thats why its hard/long to learn and why it gets boring alot
then dont fucking talk about shit that you have no knowledge about, or AT THE VERY LEAST tell me where in the atheist song there is such clear jazzy moments. if you dont know anything about theory then you wont know anything about jazz because jazz = theory. thats why its hard/long to learn and why it gets boring alot

Man, you don't know how you're are freaking annoying. I don't care about saying shits, if the guy who try this band liked it, my mission is accomplished.
then dont fucking talk about shit that you have no knowledge about, or AT THE VERY LEAST tell me where in the atheist song there is such clear jazzy moments. if you dont know anything about theory then you wont know anything about jazz because jazz = theory. thats why its hard/long to learn and why it gets boring alot

I think your attitide was better with the old gay-ass avatar you used to have:lol:!

Seriously, though, why are you so goddamn defensive when anything "jazz" comes up? You and your jazz, you need to lighten the fuck up and just LISTEN to music rather than analyzing the fuck out of it. This isn't Music Theory. It's a metal forum, and the majority of the people here don't give a fat fuck about you shitty opinions (opinions, yes... shitty, YES!!).

Get the fuck off your high horse and quit acting like a fag!:mad:
I think your attitide was better with the old gay-ass avatar you used to have:lol:!

Seriously, though, why are you so goddamn defensive when anything "jazz" comes up? You and your jazz, you need to lighten the fuck up and just LISTEN to music rather than analyzing the fuck out of it. This isn't Music Theory. It's a metal forum, and the majority of the people here don't give a fat fuck about you shitty opinions (opinions, yes... shitty, YES!!).

Get the fuck off your high horse and quit acting like a fag!:mad:

This is true.

Nightmare_Heaven said:
Arcturus are sweet

Also true.
you know what i think? the next time you start throwing around jazz to arbitrary metal bands, take a step back and hold it. because its obvious all of you are full of shit and i dont want two of my favourite styles of music (jazz and metal/rock) subjected to this shit, because there are quality, factual jazz-rock or jazz-metal whatever bands out there, and atheist is not one of them. i dont care if you dont like theory, i dont give a fuck, but when you are TALKING ABOUT JAZZ, YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT JAZZ. just like anything, dont throw around terms you dont understand. if you do, dont expect people not to bust your chops for being a dumbass

that being said, department of apocalyptic affairs is probably my favourite avant garde album so far