I agree. I'd be amazed if anyone could watch something like "Spirited Away" or even a comedy like "Tokyo Godfathers" and say that it wasn't as beautifully and tightly directed as anything that wins the top prizes at internationally renowned film festivals. Oh, excuse me, "Spirited Away" HAS won the top prize at a top international film festival (the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival, as a matter of fact).
I think most people dont know they are watching an anime unless it fits their definition of stereotype they only know (or think to know) it is anime if its bad.

So folks who think anime is all derivative crap, watch something *besides* the kids' anime they show on TV before saying something like that, please. No one accuses America of making only crap entertainment based on the kids' cartoons that play on Saturday mornings.
This is true, especially for Americans. The sad stereo type is that when you say anime, joe-somebody would relate that to only Yu-Gi-Oh! Or Pokemon the absolute WORST example imaginable because thats what gets heavy exposure, especially if they have kids! or on the flip side, most who claim to be anime fans quickly throw out Nurato, DBZ and Inuyasha as their favorites, again, very poor examples of what quality anime is, or just anime in general.
an anime film is a WHOLE different beast than a series. You've normally got considerably higher budgets and most likely more talent working on films than you get with a show.
Agreed. I think some of us here are confusing terrible anime series with terrible movies and or OVAs. A series doesnt get near the budget a movie does, thus why watching a bad movie (like the MOVIES I listed at the beginning of the thread) is almost worse than enduring a bad series, there is no budget excuse. Case and point: Garzeys Wing boasts about the talents of Yoshiyuki Tomino (creator of Gundam) and Kenchie Onuki (Wrath of the Ninia) being involved, and yet this movie SUCKED!!!
I have almost 75+ anime movies or OVAs most people I know might have seen 5 or maybe 10 ever, and the rest are usually series related praise, or complaints.
I'm a huge fan of the Robotech series.
You sir, are my new best friend!