Bands that have sold out?

understood Ken but many of the rappers have a silky tongue to begin with, then if you think about it they actually started practicing at the age of three, every spoken, waking moment of thier days and possibly in their dreams for all we know. Smooth talking, to me, is no doubt a fairly old, well developed African American trait. As if there was a entire race of guitar players, whos primary culture evolved around the guitar....... come to think of it that would be sterile as shit.

Mark - theres only so many good jobs in the various "ball" games so.......
Seriously, its popular, its a pretty old trend now, many people love it, so it has a large cultural following, thats where the money comes from. By percentage very few hard working real musicians, artists, writers, poets, have made a decent living off music throughout history, the arts are a labor of passion

Very true, thanks.
I wish I knew everything. And thanks for the vocabulary compliment.

No, the reason I want to talk to him on IM is because unlike a forum, it's closer to a normal form of conversation and these kind of confrontations, misunderstandings, and talking past each other would be less likely.

Sorry bud but the world is not always enjoyable, and if I see someone present as 'fact' something I feel is in total error, I will contest it. I'm not one to support ignorance in any fashion, and my zeal for truth and open, logical debate apparently intimidates others at times.

I'd be willing to bet I've got a bit more real world experience under my belt than you, so thanks for the worldly advice, but I'll rest on my own experience.

Sorry bud, but this isn't the "world"...again, it's a cute little music forum. I come here for music discussion...your agenda is unclear.

What did I present as fact, exactly?
very cute, its good to see that you finally reallised this was a forum ( Praise to you )

:lol: how old are you dude? I mean, you must work hard to use my own sarcastic remarks... not to mention the incredibly ambiguous money shot... at what point did I indicate this wasn't a forum?

*sigh* I seriously half expect you to respond with something insanely witty like "Shut up you big.... stupid"

I'm over this thread. I quit. I simply have more important things to do, like stare at this stack of paper on my desk and pretend like i'm working. Have fun.
Power metal? :lol:

Presenting as fact? That's quite a blanket statement. If you looked deeper into the discography of every power metal band ever, as you expect others to do, I'm sure you'd find it's not so. I can't accept ignorance such as this. I'm going to blast you with my super confidence...though only a select few will understand the the sublime level of intellect.
I'd be willing to bet I've got a bit more real world experience under my belt than you, so thanks for the worldly advice, but I'll rest on my own experience.

Sorry bud, but this isn't the "world"...again, it's a cute little music forum. I come here for music discussion...your agenda is unclear.

What did I present as fact, exactly?

The world exists where then? Outside your door? Only on certain streets or in certain states? Only on Tuesdays? Got News: The world is here, there, everywhere, because the "world" as we speak of it, is this world and all the others - our reality. Including the servers, chips and pathways that run this forum. As for your "experience" and brushing off advice, I thought you were accusing me of having an ego.
Presenting as fact? That's quite a blanket statement. If you looked deeper into the discography of every power metal band ever, as you expect others to do, I'm sure you'd find it's not so. I can't accept ignorance such as this. I'm going to blast you with my super confidence...though only a select few will understand the the sublime level of intellect.

Oh fuck off, it's a joke you neandrathal. :kickass:
power metal...... that was funny

Horus - that little bit of the stomp Ive seen is awesome, its also what is called being resourceful, both admireable traits. Rythmn and resourcefullness>
So I suppose in that sence rap is being resourceful

being opinionated and careful use of tongue can go hand in hand...... or not
The world exists where then? Outside your door? Only on certain streets or in certain states? Only on Tuesdays? Got News: The world is here, there, everywhere, because the "world" as we speak of it, is this world and all the others - our reality. Including the servers, chips and pathways that run this forum. As for your "experience" and brushing off advice, I thought you were accusing me of having an ego.

I'm relatively certain you're just a brat.
wow... just took a breather and scanned the thread. that got outta hand fast eh guys? And this forum was doing so good lately. I just have one question...

We have 2 threads right now that are a complete clusterfuck of bitching and shitflinging. The "is symphony x satanic" and "bands that have sold out". My question is this: How did those seemingly innocent threads get to this point when the POLITICAL DISCUSSION THREAD remained largely civil!?!? Blows my fucking mind, seriously.
Shenkadere was refering to what comes with the more exposure on has in life or anything for that matter, nothing more, all I can say on this is the old cliche, none of us ever wanted to hear... one day those that dont now, will understand... and typically what is discovered is not always enjoyable
How did those seemingly innocent threads get to this point when the POLITICAL DISCUSSION THREAD remained largely civil!?!? Blows my fucking mind, seriously.

Well Zach... ol boy... thats cause Im one smooth mofo..... :lol:

arrogance does not run in my family, its a trait exclusive to myself...
people just gotta think how to express themselves without all the bullshit, not always easy, some fail miserably
Shenkadere was refering to what comes with the more exposure on has in life or anything for that matter, nothing more, all I can say on this is the old cliche, none of us ever wanted to hear... one day those that dont now, will understand... and typically what is discovered is not always enjoyable

Well of course with more age (no offense lol) there by reason are more opportunities for enlightenment. I object to the old adage however, because although more opportunites abound, they are not always recognized or acted upon. Such that, while an older person has more potential to be wise, they are not by requisite wise by their older age. So Schenk pulling the age card on me is irrelevant.