Bands willing to play....but needing sponsorship

Who would you most likely sponsor?

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I'd wager somewhere between $2K to $3K total before any of the bands start seriously considering a confirmation. That still wouldn't be enough I'm sure, but it might be enough to make a difference. Just a guess of course.
So how much sponsorship money is needed to see any of the bands make the voyage?

From a different post Heathen Crusader listed, price out airfare from the artists country and multiply by the number of musicians. Then add the costs of the work Visas.

An example for Arkona (assuming they fly out of Moscow).

Airfare from Moscow $1306.00 (as of this moment)
Band members - 5
Flight costs - $6530

Then you need to add in the cost to fill & process the work Visas. Add in the hotel for the time that the band is in town.
Heidevolk = 7 band members + assume 1 sound guy

That's $8K in airfare

The 12 people who have all currently voted for Heidevolk would have to pony up $666 each. Now that's metal. :heh:
If you fags win and people don't want to support PAGAN ALTAR, then if I fork over 250 bucks to some gay band, do I get the benefits specified in the sponsorship thread?
Mael Mordha

Waylander's cool and all, but nowhere near as close to my heart as the aforementioned three. I need to check out Pagan Altar though; if so many people here are flipping shit over them, I must be missing out! Pretty sure I'd turn into a squealing fangirl if I got a chance to see Arkona though, goddamn ;P
I'll stick up for Heidevolk any day, though :D
Someone awesome mention this or link this to a doom forum (hellride perhaps?) to see how many people would be interested in forkin' over cash to help sponser and travel for Pagan Altar
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