bands you just HATE!

There's just one band I really fucking hate: Limp Bizkit - Fred Durst is just about the most annoying person in the nu-metal scene! His voice just sucks so fucking much! And there was a long period where all my friends listened to it. :(
Originally posted by Emperor Magus Caligula
Slayer: they are really overrated, but the reason i hate them most its because that old school vocals....

How the fuck can you hate Slayer? They were the heaviest mainstream thrash metal bands of the late eighties! They are (or were) great, and did a great thing for the metal scene! Maybe they're not your kind of band, but they are an important band in metal history!
Originally posted by Lazz
How the fuck can you hate Slayer? They were the heaviest mainstream thrash metal bands of the late eighties! They are (or were) great, and did a great thing for the metal scene! Maybe they're not your kind of band, but they are an important band in metal history!
Whether they were important or not is not the issue here. You're allowed to hate any band you want. Like I said Beatles is without a doubt the band in 20th century who has wrote the music with most quality, but if you hate their music that's just fine - everybody got different taste!
Oh yeah, I think Shakira is super shitty too! Her song "Wherever, whenever" or whatever it's called is horrible and I didn't think it was possible to make such 80's shit in 2002! "Underneath your clothes" is just as terrible! And then she claims she was thrown out of her choir 'cause her "Voice was too big"! Yeah, right - who the fuck is gonna believe that? :rolleyes:
I don't hate rap as most of you do. Approx. 4 years ago I didn't listen to anything but rap, but when I started looking for the originals (99% of rapmusic is stolen from old records) it quickly became boring. Now I think most rap is mediocre. Of course there's lots of crap in rap, but there's crap in every kinds of music!
wow where to start lol creed, eminem, kid rock, limp biscuit, never like led zepplin except one song plants voice stinks imho, the beatles very overrated imho, iron maiden could never really get into them except 2 songs, never liked dream theatre, the rolling stones they just stink, all the crap nu-metal bands and dopey boy bands like o-town.
Originally posted by MadTinus
Why the fuck does that suck??! There's something like "principles", ring a bell??! I don't care how brilliant the music is (in the far majority it isn't), but that NS crap gives a nasty taste in the mouth, so I don't listen to it.

You got me going here, I fucking HATE NS bands and everything connected to NS with a passion :mad:

WOOO! Touchy!! Sorry if i pissed you off, but i don't give a shit who or what is making the music, as long as its good. It's just like saying Cradle suck cos Dani is an idiot.


Oh yeah.......... who asked you anyway? hehe!
Originally posted by Board
You're entitled to your opinion like everyone else, but I think you're quite wrong there. Whether you like his music or not is not important here. Personally I don't like his solo work, but I think Beatles has done some great stuff, but that's not important here either. What's important is his work. His companionship with Paul McCartney in the Beatles has produced some of the best songs ever written (not my opinon!). In the 60's The Beatles was the best selling band and they're to this date the best selling band of all time. Not that that neccesarilly means it's good, but Beatles still has loads and loads of fans 30 years after they broke up! People are still fanatic (even more fanatic than they were in the 60's) about their stuff. I've seen their record "Please please me" with the black label and gold lettering go for £6.600!!!! Noone would pay that amount for anything crappy!

Yes they would. It's got nothing to do with its quality, it's to do with collectibility. If it's rare, old and in good condition, it's valuable. Mint-condition embossed vinyl sleeves are especially sought after these days.

It's of course a matter of taste, but I think it's fair to say that Beatles are the single band/artist who produced the music with the most quality EVER! If a band comes out now and sells twice as many records as The Beatles, the Beatles will still be the greatest! The new band will be forgotten in 20 years like most of all the other stuff from the 90's and 2000's.

Can I borrow that crystal ball you've obviously found?

You can go out on the street today and ask more or less any person to sing a Beatles song. In 20 years you can't do that with Britney Spears!

It's the same with the Village People, though, isn't it? Who doesn't know "YMCA" at the very least?
just wanna say that without tarja, nightwish are great. the song with the guy singing(dont remember the name) are pretty better then nightwish whit vocal.. i think i only like sinergy for band witch have some female vocals

!Long Life To Sinergy!

i see limp Bizkit coming lot of time.. i use to listen to llimp there 3 or 4 years... fuck.. i was just a kid :D
I don't hate any bands....I hate very little. Hate is stupid; a word and an emotion thrown around carelessly and ignorantly. Kinda like love.

Bands I dislike;

Disturbed - Way overrated imo. Unoriginal music, utterly laughable lyrics, and an annoying as hell singer who likes to make monkey noises.

Slayer - Way overrated too. I mostly can't stand the vocals (I don't mind old school vox, but Araya is just plain pathetic) but I find the music pretty boring too. (and to hell with the importance arguments, I wouldn't give a shit if they were responsible for the entirety of musical history, I still think their music sucks)

Limp Bizkit - Again, the singer. He is a complete asshole with an unimaginably inflated ego and a really nerve-grating voice.

Soulfly - anyone say 'sellout' ?

Arch Enemy - Who gives a fuck if it's the Amott brothers? Boring vocals before, now the music is just plain banal. Disgustingly overrated. I want to gag reading the way people worship this band, fuck's sake, not to mention all the ripped riffs.

Children Of Bodom - The ripped movie intros really piss me off; get your own tunes to creative good first impressions. Some people actually don't realise it's not your writing.

Glassjaw - Interesting vocals that quickly became irritating in their fakeness, exaggeration and contrived 'emo' factor. Not to mention the immaturely mysoginistic lyrics that fans preach about being so 'intelligent' and 'poetic'. My ass.

Nightwish - Female singer is so deep and operatic it sounds handsomely masculine. Makes me want to baulk.

That's all I can think of right now..

look at you u fag u are listening to marylin manson a fuking cock smoker, and cob, slayer and arch enemy rock, they probally just caled u a fag cuz u r a manson fan and that is why u bash them
beatle suck white-my pals rap suck, rap suck period, any thing before the 80s sucks, cept for classical music, any mainstream band, any tv band that has had a concert on tv. andbands that sell out, i hate to say but, megadeth and metallica.
Originally posted by Abigor
WOOO! Touchy!! Sorry if i pissed you off, but i don't give a shit who or what is making the music, as long as its good. It's just like saying Cradle suck cos Dani is an idiot.


Oh yeah.......... who asked you anyway? hehe!
Well, I took the bait a bit too willingly I guess, it's quite heard to piss me off really, so there's to you.

Anyway, I mean, I don't care really who's making the music I listen to, I don't have to like that person or agree with their views, but NS/ nazi bullshit is where I draw the line. That just disgusts me so much I can't listen to the music without second thoughts. I just don't grant those morons the gratification of me appreciating what they do, cause I don't.

Nazi pigs:
Originally posted by SlayerizedCorpse

look at you u fag u are listening to marylin manson a fuking cock smoker, and cob, slayer and arch enemy rock, they probally just caled u a fag cuz u r a manson fan and that is why u bash them
