Best of 2008 So Far...And Still to Come

Mmm Best so far has to be:-

Testament - The Formation of Damnation:kickass:
Unleashed - Hammer Battalion
Dimember - Dismember
Avantasia - The Scarecrow

Biggest Dissapointment -

IN Flames - A Sense of Purpose (No suprise there!):mad:
Children of Bodom - Blood Drunk - More like too drunk to give a f*ck!:ill:

Can't Wait for -

Amon Amarth - Guardians of Asgaard
Alice Cooper - Along came a Spider, wehey, the greatest golf swinger in town!!!!
1. Behexen - My Soul For His Glory

You should really try to find "By The Blessing of Satan". In my opinion it's much better than MSFHG. It doesn't have that "orthodox feeling" like My Soul but the songs are better crafted, one of the better finish album.
It was supposed to be out in June, meaning it will probably be out in August or September knowing Barbarian Wrath.
Nyktalgia's latest is actually pretty good - leagues ahead of their debut. I don't know when the fuck Faustcoven's Rising From Below the Earth is going to be released, but it will surely obliterate everything.

I should give that album another listen. When I first heard it I wasn't too fond of it but it seems a lot of the albums that have come out in 2008 have grown on me with multiple listens.
You should really try to find "By The Blessing of Satan". In my opinion it's much better than MSFHG. It doesn't have that "orthodox feeling" like My Soul but the songs are better crafted, one of the better finish album.

The "orthodox" elements seem to be the selling points for me, though. I love every minute of the new album.
testament - formation of damnation
sombres forets - i heard this band have something new coming out?!
bring me the horizon - fuck knows, hardly say i'm looking forward to it but i'm a tad curious as to their next party trick

wonder if carcass attempting something new is on the cards for 2008?
My top 5 pics for the year got to be:
Equilibrium - Sagas
Scar Symmetry - Holographic Universe
In Mourning - Shrouded Divine
Draconian - Turning Season Within
Hate - Morphosis
omg thanks so much for this band. never heard of them but they kick ass.

I listened, as soon as I heard the chorus on in the failing hour I stopped listening...also the music is boring and not progressive enough for my tastes.
I'm thinking of picking up Vader's XXV. They basically took a ton of tracks from their back catalogue and re-recorded them. Not sure if it's worth it, though.