Best to See Live?

Amon Amarth is always a sure thing and they always deliver a good show, I've seen them a couple of time and they're great live.
I've seen Dimmu Borgir a couple of times too, but the quality of the shows can change from great to neh...

yes... the first time i saw dimmu the sound was awful... second time was much better
Whoever mentioned Lamb of God I'd have to agree. I was so impressed last two times I saw them live that I actually bought one of their albums...which turned out to be a mistake.
These guys have about enough good material to make 1 Cd not 4
they really should just come out with a live CD
Im surprised!
Dimmu sounds great, though im sure theyre music is really produced.
In terms of their live sound, do you mean vocals, or instrumentals?
Dream Theater
Steve Vai

Fuck, I even saw Dethklok. Now, I was not into the band, but I thought the live show was killer & everyone was really into it. I was very surprised by it, I must admit.