Black Metal is the worst subgenre

No matter how many pics you link, it does not change the fact that far too many black metal bands wear make up (corpse paint) and have rediculous accessories. I could link a thousand pics with the most rediculous stuff ever made.

I agree with this, this thread is pointless. If you do not like something, no matter how good or bad quality it has, you just do not listen to it. But when guys mention that black metal is better quality music than genres like thrash, opinions have nothing to do with it. Black metal as a genre IS near the bottom when it comes to music quality. This is a fact.

Please show us the empirical data that demonstrates that trash is more "quality" (whatever the fuck that means) than black metal. If you can't then you're full of shit.
Black metal fans do that to specific bands all the time. It's easily the most image-conscious sub-genre.
But when guys mention that black metal is better quality music than genres like thrash, opinions have nothing to do with it. Black metal as a genre IS near the bottom when it comes to music quality. This is a fact.

Reasons why Black Metal is better than Thrash:

* it's faster - even though most Thrash fans would say they like it mostly for the speed.
* it's less repetitive, has more variety - can include symphonic/orchestral, keyboard, chanting, operatic vocals, female vocals, choir effects, etc.
* it's more atmospheric - beautifully captures the desolate feel of the frozen Northern wastes that it was conjured from. Thrash was started by a bunch of kids hanging around a sunny beach town.
* both the lyrics and imagery involved in Black Metal are much defined, distinct, and powerful. Thrash is just for kids who don't have the balls to listen to Death and aren't dark-minded enough to listen to Black.

The only Thrash song that has ever blown my mind is Slayer's "Angel Of Death". Other than that the genre tends to be pretty repetitive and dull, probably the only the thing it does better than Black Metal is start moshpits at concerts...
Reasons why Black Metal is better than Thrash:

* it's faster - even though most Thrash fans would say they like it mostly for the speed.
* it's less repetitive, has more variety - can include symphonic/orchestral, keyboard, chanting, operatic vocals, female vocals, choir effects, etc.
* it's more atmospheric - beautifully captures the desolate feel of the frozen Northern wastes that it was conjured from. Thrash was started by a bunch of kids hanging around a sunny beach town.
* both the lyrics and imagery involved in Black Metal are much defined, distinct, and powerful. Thrash is just for kids who don't have the balls to listen to Death and aren't dark-minded enough to listen to Black.

The only Thrash song that has ever blown my mind is Slayer's "Angel Of Death". Other than that the genre tends to be pretty repetitive and dull, probably the only the thing it does better than Black Metal is start moshpits at concerts...

k, ain't gonna reply to that ahah..

At least learn thrash metal history, and the roots/reasons why it was created.
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Why the fuck would I wanna know more about Black metal. I do not like either the music nor the lyrical content.

Why the fuck do you publish your idiotic assumptions based on no knowledge of the issue then, you fucking primate?
Hey, he still knows more about thrash than you know about black metal.

No, he doesn't ... the guy is laughably wrong on every one of his *'s, expect for the atmospheric part.

Black metal is faster, and less repetitive than thrash?:lol: Are you fucking serious? This kid must be drugged up.

But this one takes the cake ...
* both the lyrics and imagery involved in Black Metal are much defined, distinct, and powerful. Thrash is just for kids who don't have the balls to listen to Death and aren't dark-minded enough to listen to Black.

This has got to be the dumbest thing i've read on the internet this month ... congratulations!

oh and why is it that you use so many different user names? "EducatedOpinion" ... member that one? Are you having some sort of identity crisis?
Why the fuck do you publish your idiotic assumptions based on no knowledge of the issue then, you fucking primate?

I have listened to enough stuff to have an opinion. Also as a musician I need to listen to a variety of stuff even if it's way different from what I play.

Oh- and last time I checked, this was a public forum.
Black metal is faster, and less repetitive than thrash?:lol: Are you fucking serious? This kid must be drugged up.

But this one takes the cake ...

This has got to be the dumbest thing i've read on the internet this month ... congratulations!

oh and why is it that you use so many different user names? "EducatedOpinion" ... member that one? Are you having some sort of identity crisis?

Well, if drumming is taken as setting the tempo of a song, there is no thrash song is existance that could match the speed of the drumming (and thus overall tempo) in a song like this:

Also, Black Metal is less repetitive because, as I mentioned, it has many more components that can be thrown into the mix to vary it up, such as "symphonic/orchestral, keyboard, chanting, operatic vocals, female vocals, choir effects, etc". When was the last time you ever heard any of those effects in a Thrash Metal song?

Go Google images for "Thrash Metal bands" and you'll see a bunch of guys in jeans and T-shirts. Do the same for Black Metal bands and you'll find, for example:



Do the same for "Thrash Metal album covers" and you'll mostly find a lot of wanna-be-death-metal artwork. With Black Metal you can find, for example:



Now who could possibly in their right mind argue that Thrash has more defining and distinct imagery than Black Metal? Regardless of whether you like Black Metal imagery or not, there's no debating that it's more unique and powerful than the wanna-be-death-metal Thrash imagery.

So, yeah, Black Metal is faster, more varied, and has more definitive imagery than Thrash Metal, and I have empirical evidence to prove it, while all you have is: "wah wah boo hoo I'm right, you're wrong." :lol:

P.S. Who is "EducatedOpinion"?
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First of all stop saying thrash is wanna be death because it is making people cry from laughing. Anyways enough talking to clueless people in this thread. Last reply from me :)

Go Google images for "Thrash Metal bands" and you'll see a bunch of guys in jeans and T-shirts. Do the same for Black Metal bands and you'll find, for example:



Sorry, I could not help myself :

Feel free to read the description bellow the pics as well... they are pretty accurate. ahahaahah