Black Metal is the worst subgenre

By the way, monotonous drum machines mean jack if we're going to talk about tempo and its use in contributing creatively to the music. The majority of black metal is essentially the non-electronic equivalent of kids fucking around with MODPlug (or Mario Paint), and when you look at cases like that early Windir demo with its midi instrumentation and or all those Mortiis & co artists, it can be an incredibly sterile, unemotional, and fake sub-genre of metal. There has really been no movement in heavy metal's development more subversive and damaging than the advent of the post-second wave and all of the "experimentation" that was brought along with it.

EDIT: Well, to be fair a lot of Europower is on par with black metal in terms of robotic and uninspired music as well. Most of those guys have the modesty to not care, though.

To quote myself: "Oh, and hahaha, don't try to focus on any narrow specific time frame or country to try and prove your idiotic point, because in general and on the whole the Black Metal genre is far more complex and varied than Thrash and tends to include symphonic/orchestral, keyboard, chanting, operatic vocals, female vocals, choir effects, etc. Thrash is just four guys with guitars and drums.... every...single...time... talk about a recipe for repetitiveness and boredom!"

Furthermore, using a drum machine actually enables the band to create layers of drumming on top of each other which creates a very hypnotic and mesmerising effect that contributes greatly to the atmosphere that Black Metal is so well known - in fact, it's one of my favorite unique effects in Black Metal. Also, this kind of tempo would be impossible for a human drummer to mantain over any extended period of time anyway, so this is a great example of technology improving musical quality - you're not really one of those technology-Amish-like-dinosaur people, are you? :lol: And there's definitely nothing "sterile, unemotional, and fake" about music that leaves you feeling hypnotised, mesmerised and lost in another realm of time/space. I've already listed two examples of this previously:

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As far as I can tell, TB only admitted that black metal has more imagery than thrash metal. He didn't say it had better imagery (because, as should be obvious, no shit on my plate is better than shit on my plate).

Way to miss the point, kid. The issue at hand is which genre has more unique and distinctive imagery, not "better" imagery. The latter is totally is purely subjective, and I've provided plenty of evidence to prove the former.
Initially you said that everything I said except the "atmospheric part" was BS, so that means that you also thought the part about Black Metal having better imagery was BS, but now that you've been argued into a corner and squarely lost the debate on that front, you're suddenly saying "Oh, but I care about the music and not the imagery." Hahahaha, that right there, my son, is the behavior of a natural nitwit :lol::lol:

Thrash is just for kids who don't have the balls to listen to Death and aren't dark-minded enough to listen to Black.

I was referring to that part of your sig-worthy idiotic statement, which i even congratulated you for. Not once in any of my posts did i even mention anything about the "imagery" of thrash, whatever the fuck that might be.

Maybe me knocking on you for the whole "imagery" thing in nearly every one of my posts flew over you're head? I wouldn't be surprised. But noooo ..... YOU WONNNN, I LOST! Since you clearly proved that black metal is the faster and less repetetive of the two ... :lol:

Yes, you argued me into a corner, i lost, you won :lol: .... if any of you dumbasses think this guy is a day over 17 then i feel just about as sorry for you guys as i do for him.


lol, where are you hearing layers of elaborate drum-machines in that first song? It's extremely monotonous.

Way to miss the point, kid. The issue at hand is which genre has more unique and distinctive imagery, not "better" imagery. The latter is totally is purely subjective, and I've provided plenty of evidence to prove the former.

No, the point is that black metal's imagery is meaningless. Moreover, you've lied.

Reasons why Black Metal is better than Thrash:

* both the lyrics and imagery involved in Black Metal are much defined, distinct, and powerful. Thrash is just for kids who don't have the balls to listen to Death and aren't dark-minded enough to listen to Black.
I don't know why he cites Limbonic Art, of all things, as an example of how fast black metal can get. I like them, but come on. Why not Anaal Nathrakh?

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Yes, you argued me into a corner, i lost, you won :lol: .... if any of you dumbasses think this guy is a day over 17 then i feel just about as sorry for you guys as i do for him.

It's not like you're some fucking genius who has a better taste in music than everyone. I'm not trying to defend that guy, as he's clearly wrong and dumb as shit, but get you're acting just as childish as anybody.
It's not like you're some fucking genius who has a better taste in music than everyone. I'm not trying to defend that guy, as he's clearly wrong and dumb as shit, but get you're acting just as childish as anybody.
What does my taste in music have anything to do with what were discussing here? You need to stop fucking following me around and throwing out your random ass comments fool. I get it, you're young, so everytime i mention age, your butthole starts to swell up and you seem to throw some kind of dumbass comment out there. Honestly, i dont know what your problem is, but i advise you take a couple ibuprofens and just chillax ... kiddo.

edit: And like i said i know who he is. He's got a couple different user names here(that i've even made him admit to), and he's also on my friends list. And if thats him in those pics, than it's just plain sad that all that nonsense is coming from somoene whos older than 14-15.
What does my taste in music have anything to do with what were discussing here? You need to stop fucking following me around and throwing out your random ass comments fool. I get it, you're young, so everytime i mention age, your butthole starts to swell up and you seem to throw some kind of dumbass comment out there. Honestly, i dont know what your problem is, but i advise you take a couple ibuprofens and just chillax ... kiddo.

I'm old. I also think you're a dick. You're the personification of the chest-puffing internet tough guy who thinks that calling everyone a 'young dumbass' will somehow make you look smart and wise. Your head is so far up your own arse that your own shit smells like a lovely bouquet to you. Also your grammar sucks.
:Smug: thank god we have such awesome posters like yourself still here. Your contributions to these threads are just absolutely top-notch! Why dont you just go ahead and join the rest of that 90%?

OMG you are a dumbass kid. I bet you're about 17. I am smart and know things, dumbass. Bow down to the might and power of my argument, fool.
What does my taste in music have anything to do with what were discussing here? You need to stop fucking following me around and throwing out your random ass comments fool. I get it, you're young, so everytime i mention age, your butthole starts to swell up and you seem to throw some kind of dumbass comment out there. Honestly, i dont know what your problem is, but i advise you take a couple ibuprofens and just chillax ... kiddo.

edit: And like i said i know who he is. He's got a couple different user names here(that i've even made him admit to), and he's also on my friends list. And if thats him in those pics, than it's just plain sad that all that nonsense is coming from somoene whos older than 14-15.

When have I ever followed you around? And you're the one who needs to calm down. I'm not the one being trolled by some "little kid".

And how come you're the only one who is aware of him having multiple accounts?
I never said thrash sucked, I just said it's mostly less atmospheric and stylistically goofy. I would acknowledge that the black metal look and amateur videos are regarded as goofy too.
Maybe you should stop basing your opinion on music videos and the stuff major labels tried to push in the late 80's. I'm not denying that there is a lot of goofball shit to be found, but at the other extreme I'd say it easily took itself more seriously (to the point of dryness) than other sub-genres of metal. Albums like And Justice for All and Time Does Not Heal are about as sober as it gets.
lol, where are you hearing layers of elaborate drum-machines in that first song? It's extremely monotonous.

No, the point is that black metal's imagery is meaningless. Moreover, you've lied.

2:12 to 3:27 for starters: a blistering yet understated wall of drumbeats that is reminiscent of the Artic winds howling ravenously over some distant snowy peaks, and being "understated" works prefectly for the drums here because it allows the majestic keyboards to manifest themselves simultaneously in a glorious orgy of otherwordly splendor that speaks of realms beyond mortal vision - yes, this is that kind of artistic imaginative flair that you Americans just don't get, remember? :lol: :Spin:

"Meaningless" is purely subjective, but "distinctive" is much more easily defined. Show me any Thrash lyrics out there with themes that aren't wanna-be Black (Slayer, etc) or wanna-be Death (just about every other Thrash band out there), or even (God forbid) wanna-be punk :rolleyes:

I would actually like to issue a bit of a disclaimer though: although it may not seem like it, I don't actually seriously hate Thrash Metal or anything like that, it is actually pretty good in small doses and it's great for creating moshpits at concerts. However, I felt the need to post here because of a certain kid with the word "Yellow" in his name saying that it was a FACT that all Black metal is shitty, and that Thrash is much better than it, and in this light I still stand firmly behind everything I've said about Black Metal being more distinctive, creative, varied, and basically all-round better than Thrash.