Black Metal Recommendations-Beyond the Obvious

The second is an evolution, it's not the Transilvanian Hunger worship that The Final War Approaching was. It had gone to a more thrashy, The Return... style, and has none of the folkish elements that their final album had. I highly recommend it. It's called Only True Believers.
Here are a few I think you might want to check out. They span a pretty decent range in terms of their approach to Black Metal. I've kept a copy of each of these for myself so keep in mind that my taste is also playing a role in the selection.

Ahnenstahl - Zwischen Tod und Leben
Alatyr - Alatyr
Contra Ignem Fatuum - Detritus
Dragobrath - Scripture of The Woods
Hordagaard - Anti Human Anti Life
Infernal War - Infernal War
Instinct - Instinct
Legacy of Blood - Infernal Cult of Blood
Locus Mortis - Inter Uterum Et Loculum
Profundis Tenebrarum - Extreme Violent Art
Sturmfront - Behind The Gate of Darkness
Vhernen - S.y.b.e.r.i.a.

Dragobrath are from Ukraine and have ties to Kroda. Seeing that there has been a lot of talk about the Eastern bands recently I had to mention them. People have compared them to Noktunal Mortum...there are some similarities. It's a good release.
Here are a few I think you might want to check out.

Ahnenstahl - Zwischen Tod und Leben
Alatyr - Alatyr
Contra Ignem Fatuum - Detritus
Dragobrath - Scripture of The Woods
Hordagaard - Anti Human Anti Life
Infernal War - Infernal War
Instinct - Instinct
Legacy of Blood - Infernal Cult of Blood
Locus Mortis - Inter Uterum Et Loculum
Profundis Tenebrarum - Extreme Violent Art
Sturmfront - Behind The Gate of Darkness
Vhernen - S.y.b.e.r.i.a.

^ Are any of those at least somewhat fast throughout? I'm not really looking for anything below mid-paced, if that even. Also, how would you rank them? :)
The LOCUS MORTIS album is fast. LEGACY OF BLOOD and CONTRA IGNEM FATUUM are great albums that I'd also recommend.
I'm not going back 15 to see if they've been mentioned, but ROOT and the early Czech black metal scene absolutely kills. The demos, Zjeveni, Hell Symphony and The Temple in the Underworld are masterfully dark releases. MASTER'S HAMMER's Ritual is another great Czech release...
Just listening to a track by Ahnenstahl from Zwichen Tod und Leben (mp3 is on their website,, but the site's all in German and the mp3 is zipped, for some bizarre reason). Pretty cool, started off all fast and violent, then went to a nice lead guitar/piano/clean singing interlude before going all blackened Amon Amarth. The snare drum tone is driving me crazy, though.
it's actually a lot more varied than reviews would have you believe. yes, it's fast, but it changes pace at great moments and to nice effect.

similar bands would be nice.....