Black Metal Recommendations-Beyond the Obvious

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FUCK, everyone should check this out. It's like Mortuary Drape, Samael, Varathron, etc :kickass:
I'm torn on Inquisition. I've really enjoyed most of music that I have heard but the vocals haven't really done it for me. Then again, I'm sure they would grow on me...I hated the vocals on the Silencer album when it was first released years ago, now I think they are amazing. I'm a fickle bastard. :goggly:
i dug the new Dodheimsgard

December Wolves were good

Hell's Infinite VI are an awesome new band from my area, featuring ex December Wolves members

Also Cold Northern Vengance are good local metal

Hexseri more local bm with all chick members (except the drummer)
And just like Lunar Aurora, I have to be in just the right mood to enjoy it.

Has anybody heard Dormant - Beneath The Mighty Oak? The little blurb from TER says
Debut from former Uvall proprietor Todd Paulson. Dormant explores a wider range of sounds and styles than his previous excursion. 'Beneath The Mighty Oak' combines aspects of black metal, folk, heavy metal and rock, and features guest contributions from members of Caina and Celestiial.

Considering I like Uvall, Caina, and Celestiial, this has me interested but I can't find more than two small samples.
the little bit of Geist I heard reminded me of Lunar AUrora a bit. a band that requires intent listens.

Yup that's about it, the music needs to grow some more pubic hair to leave the mid-range pool. The first half and the last track off "Patina" are great though. The second album bored me.

And speaking of Lunar Aurora ("Andacht" = best BM album ever save "Nattens Madrigal btw), I can barely wait to hear how Whyrrhd will fare with his involvement on Nocternity's upcoming release. In the meantime, "A Fallen Unicorn" and "Onyx" are both safe picks. They originate from the same recording session, I'm told. Great band, somewhere between a less synth-heavy old-Emperor and the storming temper of Abigor. And splendid artworks, too. Hell, even the "En Oria/Crucify Him" demo re-release is worth owning.
Has anybody heard Dormant - Beneath The Mighty Oak? The little blurb from TER says

Considering I like Uvall, Caina, and Celestiial, this has me interested but I can't find more than two small samples.

The little I have heard was pretty good. The contributions from Celestiial and Caina are a hammered dulcimer on one track (Celestiial) and vocals/lyrics for another (Caina). I believe the samples on the God Is Myth page are different than those on the Dormant myspace page (but I could be mistaken), so maybe check both of those out.
wow i had a few deathspell omega songs on my hard drive that i thought were pretty meh, but i went out and got SMRC on a whim based on the amount of semen that flies over it on this forum. i have to say, i too now have a painfully relentless boner for this shit...better late than never eh

I have bashed them for being a bit dull before, and I still think they are, and their songs still are a bit repetitious at times. BUT I just downloaded their latest release, a two song split with Puissance no less, and decided that I wanted to share it, since it is pretty damn neat. Not that there is a great demand for Sorhin's music around here, but it didn't take me many seconds to upload the song. Enjoy