Black Metal.

I actually find the USBM scene to be pretty weak. There are only a couple USBM bands that I respect.
I read about Darkestrah in this thread.
I bought the album "Sary Oy" for 7 euros but i was not very impressed...
Lots of accoustic sections with traditional instruments (but not very original) + some not very moving Nargaroth-esque black metal interludes.
I think having influences from some obscure eastern nation might be cool, but it does not make great music.
Did i get the wrong album or do they all sound like Sary Oy and we just have very different tastes?
Xasthur are one of my favourite bands. I find people people who dislike Xasthur, dislike that style of music in general (e.g. Life Sucks), so it's not a matter of them picking out Xasthur as a band they dislike, it's just they're the most well known representative of the style that they dislike.
(At the risk of offending Americans, but not meant to) I don't think I can imagine Pagan styles coming from the US anyway, as the only ethnicity that can claim such an origin in the US are the Sioux Indians. All other races are immigrated, so I can't see American ("historically" land)-based Paganism existing. The nation is too new, excluding the Sioux of course...

Tell that to Prosciptor McGovern, who claims a Celtic lineage and bases his lyrics on Celtic mythology.....yet is from Texas.

As for US Pagan bands, Rhode Island's Horn of Valere is not overtly Pagan, but the lyrics focus on battles and Christian opposition and such, the music has an epic feel.

EDIT: So you're saying that Americans cannot create Pagan metal, but a good portion of Americans come from a European ancestry. So being that my lineage stretches back to Germany, how would it be wrong of me to create German Pagan metal? After all, I'm embracing my roots and nationalism, because, according to you, the only real Americans are the Sioux....?

My German Pagan Metal band could create a great album, but it would be ignored due to me being born in the US, even though I have German roots. Tell me I'm wrong.
It's already out there actually, and it's quite good too. Check out Mictlantecuhtli who use the Aztec theme. :) They use the raw BM which is more suitible I believe as NA drumming was generally fast.

Thanks, will do.

EDIT: I just listened to some songs from this band and this was not what I was looking for. There's more gothenburg influence in this band than anything.
Ah. I personally like Xasthur quite a bit, actually. They create a Nortt-like atmosphere with much brilliance. On another note, how is Levianthan?

Edit: Probably not the right thread but, Why are Opeth so hated?
It's already out there actually, and it's quite good too. Check out Mictlantecuhtli who use the Aztec theme. :) They use the raw BM which is more suitible I believe as NA drumming was generally fast.

Mictlantecuhtli are about as raw as Justin Timberlake. They're practically melo-death with some black influence. They are great though!

Xasthur is indeed very good, and it's well-documented that I like Nocturnal Poisoning the's the darkest, most twisted and evil sounding one. Leviathan is great, but really only on The Tenth Sublevel Of Suicide.
I read about Darkestrah in this thread.
I bought the album "Sary Oy" for 7 euros but i was not very impressed...
Lots of accoustic sections with traditional instruments (but not very original) + some not very moving Nargaroth-esque black metal interludes.
I think having influences from some obscure eastern nation might be cool, but it does not make great music.
Did i get the wrong album or do they all sound like Sary Oy and we just have very different tastes?

Sary Oy isn't a good introduction to Darkestrah, even though it's a good album. Their creativity peak is happening right now actually, check out their current release Epos, and also their previous release Embrace of Memory. Fantastic albums, both.

US has some good bands, but it is far from one of the strongest scenes. Mind you, I dislike Xasthur, Levianthan, etc.

Man I didn't expect you of all people to dislike those two bands, your taste is pretty good! Xasthur and Leviathan imo are two of the most original bands Black Metal has seen post-second wave. Those two bands have single handedly refined minimalism in Black Metal.

So you're saying that Americans cannot create Pagan metal, but a good portion of Americans come from a European ancestry. So being that my lineage stretches back to Germany, how would it be wrong of me to create German Pagan metal? After all, I'm embracing my roots and nationalism, because, according to you, the only real Americans are the Sioux....?

My German Pagan Metal band could create a great album, but it would be ignored due to me being born in the US, even though I have German roots. Tell me I'm wrong.

I'm saying that non-indigenous Americans cannot create Pagan Black Metal based on the Amercian land itself, how many times do I have to rewrite this? can you please read my previous posts. It is not about me being right, it's about you understanding the message I'm trying to get across, and your post proves you've not understood. Please refer to what I previous wrote over the last two pages.
I like the first few riffs of that song, but the rest of it is pure shit. I thought K.I.N.G. was the worst pile of feces ever, though.

Ah, Deven finally decides to come back and post here. I plan on showing you some more bands next time you make your way to my house, I bought some new CD's you might like. A lot of people who post in this thread know what they are talking about, so listen to them and look up or preview any bands they mention.

Some posters I find would help you expand your BM tastes best would probably be Malignance (sheer BM knowlege), Zephyrus (Likes bands similar to what you like, including Summoning, Borknagar, etc.).

Post in GMD more often, and comb through this and the rec/musicyoulike threads to experiment.

I plan on doing so. And I might be able to go over next week-end..who knows... I'm looking forward to finding many new bands from this forum... :)
I love the section in the song "At the Door to the Tenth Sub Level Of Suicide" that starts at 1:00 and goes to about 2:30. It is great, especially with good headphones, in the dark.
Kvist-For Kunsten Maa VI Evig Vikke, is damn good. I think it may have been talked about before, but I am listening to it now and felt I should mention it again.

Here is the MA page: Kvist

Edit: Fixed the link for ye ;) Direct linking to M-A yields have to right click and choose "This Frame > Show Only This Frame" to remove them in Firefox. -V.V.V.V.V.