Black Metal.

I think it's great, and is one of the few metal albums I've ever heard that actually incorporates a violin into the music without being utterly fucking out of place, random, worthless, and distracting. There seems to be this perception about them that they're somehow "psychedelic" that I don't see at all.

For once we agree completely on something. I don't see the 'psychedelic' thing either...whatever. Good album is good.
S.V.E.S.T. are pretty close, in my opinion. Subtly so, though. I mean, it's a raw psychedelia, not aimless noodling and "astral synth" or whatever.
What are some songs that are like that? I like psychedelic music
Like which? S.V.E.S.T. or the noodling and synth?

There's tons of krautrock I like -- Can, Amon Düül II, Guru Guru, Brainticket, Faust, Popul Vuh, Ash Ra Tempel, etc. -- and other psychedelic rock like Goblin (who did various horror film soundtracks in the '70s), Acid Mothers Temple, Les Rallizes Dénudés, and so on...
How much S.V.E.S.T. have you heard? Any? I mean, you can pick up Coagula (L'ether du diable), Urfaust, and the splits with Inkisitor and Deathspell Omega and you've got pretty much everything, and in my opinion all of it has that harsh, feverish, "brain-frying" psychedelic quality. Perhaps Urfaust above all.
The LP is definitely the most brain-frying. The DSO split is amazing though.
Totally agreed. It's worth making note of "Et la Lumière Fut, Comme un Coup de Scalpel" from the DsO split, though: at about 4:39 it drops into this totally classic sounding rock riff, pretty explicitly demonstrating what they're going for. And actually, the first song on their very first demo tape ("The Black Art" on Scarification of Soul (which sounds better on the Coagula compilation)) opens with a short little folky psyche/kraut-style jam before starting in with anything resembling black metal.
Sounds like I need some S.V.E.S.T. But then again, theres a lot of things I need, and I have no money. A friend of mine is hooking me up with a free copy of Krallice's new album though, I'm hoping that I will enjoy that.
I like alot of black metal bands, but lately it's gotten to the point where all I can really stand is Darkthrone and Burzum. I dunno what the deal is with that, besides the fact that they rule.
I'm listening to Paysage d'Hiver's Schattengang for my first time, and holy fuck. This is barely like any of his other stuff -- totally raw, guttural, primitive death metal with very subtle wintry keyboard atmospherics. I suppose one could call it black metal, but it has a lot of palm-muted crunchy parts and slower, plodding, heavy riffs. Man, this is so good.