Black Metal.

Schwärzung;8731373 said:
Check out Pd'Hs self-titled. Absolutely fantastic in every way.
That one I have had for a while, and love. I've been familiar with Paysage d'Hiver for a couple of years now, but am only just getting around to picking up the last couple of demos I haven't heard. Everything he does is amazing, really.
Is the latest Xasthur any good?
Not his best effort, but still rather solid. If you can pick it up for cheap, do so.

That one I have had for a while, and love. I've been familiar with Paysage d'Hiver for a couple of years now, but am only just getting around to picking up the last couple of demos I haven't heard. Everything he does is amazing, really.
I love how kvlt the s/t's cover is.
New Xasthur is better than Defective Epitaph while being pretty similar. I wrote about about it at some length when it came out. It's as if he's aware of the prior criticisms of the older albums sounding the same, and now he's trying a bit too hard to sound different. There are fewer of his trademark arpeggio-based melodies than ever before.

I thought I would really really like A Forest of Stars, and it mostly didn't do too much for me. Too much space in between the parts I enjoyed, and the pace was rather glacial. The first song was good, but it never sustained much momentum. I did like the violin and the singing never irked me, but there wasn't enough quality metal to justify the length of it. The outro of the album is too similar to, if not stolen from, Opeth - The Night and the Silent Water. So when there are guitar parts, and they aren't original really, that's a bit disheartening.

SVEST rules. I would like to be able to track down more of their stuff. There's a few riffs that sound straight from Rush on the DsO split. Those songs are ridiculously catchy. It's great. The production isn't nearly as challenging as on Urfaust, which wasn't an easy listen at first, but the strength of the melodies can't be denied.

New Krallice continues to grow on me, and now I think it's great, even the middle parts, which I also did find a bit taxing at first. 78 minutes of active listening can be a challenge, so being familiar with the songs has made the whole thing a lot easier to follow. I even really like that guitar ambiance track, and would like to hear more stuff like that, with Velvet Cacoon being the only band I can recall that sounded that way ever. Overall, I'm very satisfied with the album. A retread would have been alright with me, but there's definite growth in this album.

I ordered a demo tape of Maledicere that I'm really looking forward to. I have one of the other demos and the band really seems to have promise. Riffs remind me of the ones Emperor played when Emperor was a band with riffs worth paying attention to. Great sense of variant tempo and pacing, which I think was the thing that Emperor did better than other bands back then. No keyboards, I should add. NWN had this for cheap, so I will report back on it later.
"I think we are going to get some reactions from the black metal scene, and we'll lose a little credibility. Some people in the community comes to believe we are sellout, but those who say such things are often people who have an underground band and sell hot dogs at a gas station next door, "says Arnt Grønbech (Obsidian C.), who find it more sellout to sell hot dogs than to play in the Eurovision Song Contest."

haha, well said. :lol::worship:
no one gives a shit if you buy or download. end of discussion.

Well, you're right. I don't give a shit about any of you buying or downloading. But I do give a shit about what I do myself. I never downloaded a metal album unless it was practically impossible to obtain. And in average I've bought a CD every third day since I was 15. And I'm 30 now.
Schwärzung;8731655 said:
I don't get all the buzz over recreational Valium use. Pot's much more of a chill-pill.

I can't smoke pot because I need a job. Valium isn't recreational, it's Darkthrone that made me feel great. I seriously just needed to sleep.

Who the hell is Riger?
Riger is not black metal at all. It's melodic pagan metal and shouldn't even be mentioned in this thread. But I've enjoyed them immensely in the past and once in a while I find myself listening to their old records. Their best one is "Des Blutes Stimme" with standout tracks such as the title track and "Irminsul"...