Black Metal.

Can somebody explain to me what they see in the new Arckanum album? Like, write a mini-review for it or something explaining why you would rank it so high? I'm not being facetious at all, I really would like to read about what people see in this in the hopes that I'll see it as well.
It's really cohesive, has a good sense of concept and flow, and good songwriting, on par with his works when he was younger. I still dislike the seemingly random inclusion of noisy tracks, but it's not as offensive as that one on Antikosmos. I had to give the new one like 5 listens for it to click with me. It's important to note that his influences, lyrically, have changed a lot apparently and he's much more into Norse mythology and the idea of supporting the evil giants of the mythology, as the anti-cosmic beings they are. It's out there, but with lyrical change comes some musical change.
Atmosphere, riffs, the driving power sustained through most of the album... it all just clicks for me. I even like those "noisy" interludes, they just add to the feel of the album, like the woods are coming alive at night and chanting their malevolence to the world.
I think I'm going to have to try to get over the shiny Andy Classen production as the first step.
In the albums defense, I am very tired and have been listening to music all night. I will be giving it another chance. Perhaps it will win me over.

Yeah, I think it's a fantastic album. This is probably the best time of the year to be listening to it as well. Some great songwriting. That delay on the vocals works so well with the music in my opinion. I think I'm going to pull this out for tonight's listening session!
Is there anything out there similar to the melodic, spacey style of black metal played on Blut Aus Nord's Memoria Vetusta II?
So.. what's the verdict on A forest of stars? They released an album last year, but i overlooked it.

I enjoy it. It's not something I listen to very often and it has been a while, but I dig it. It has some interesting moments. A lot of people pass it off as silly an gimmicky which admittedly it can be a bit at times and it is rather long, over an hour I beleive.
I think it's great, and is one of the few metal albums I've ever heard that actually incorporates a violin into the music without being utterly fucking out of place, random, worthless, and distracting. There seems to be this perception about them that they're somehow "psychedelic" that I don't see at all.
One thing I love about the Forest of Stars album is how from time to time it gives you a break from the black metal. The female vocal solo part, the drum solo-ish part, the "tea-party" part, they all break the album up and give it a sense of space that allows you to enjoy the BM parts even more.
I think it's great, and is one of the few metal albums I've ever heard that actually incorporates a violin into the music without being utterly fucking out of place, random, worthless, and distracting. There seems to be this perception about them that they're somehow "psychedelic" that I don't see at all.
I actually agree with this point about the violin.

Too bad that I think the girl's voice does effectively exactly what you just described, plainly clashing with everything else going on. I hate it.

If not for that I think I would like the album a whole lot more.