Black Metal.

Drowning the Light is fairly decent, but not awesome enough to find a permanent fixture in my listening schedule. Xasthur is overrated as fuck, but pretty good. The guitar tone hits the spot, and the keys and vocals complement it nicely.

As for black n' roll, I really like IXXI. Dark and groovy, generally cool shit.
IXXI is pretty horrible. It doesn't help that they have the whole "we're dark and edgy, our name means 9/11, TERRORISM IS COOL" thing going on.
I'm just saying, I prefer it over black 'n' roll. Not saying I personally like it. Entombed's early death metal work rules. Left Hand Path and Clandestine.
It wasn't even fun for 20 minutes for me, but I get the sentiment I guess.



Evilfeast/Marblebog - Isenheimen/Abyss Calls...

Cold, grim and raw as fvkk. Evilfeast sounds like early Darkthrone + Marblebog's Forestheart to some extent, riding the two chord melodic riffs and backing some more "complex" riffs up with icy synths. Love the tom fills at the end of measures, always appreciated. Marblebog is Marblebog, and damn good per usual.
The only Black n Roll sorta band I enjoy is Carpathian Forest. (and Nattefrost)

At the other end of that spectrum...

Devil Lee Rot is one of the worst metal bands I've ever heard. Period.
When you're going for repetition as the means to your atmospheric ends there is no need for variation to any major degree.
Give their album Transylvanian Dreams a listen. Really awesome mixture of Darkthrone and Mayhem with a few Burzumic parts thrown in for good measure.

Have yet to spin Loquitur Cum Alqo Sathanas though.