Black Metal.

Don't worry. I'll make use of my district photo account and send an order of 5000 pictures to his store to be printed out :mad:
Don't go there, sister.

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Hekel - De Dodenvaart

Listen to this, seriously. This is how black metal was meant to sound.

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Antikosmos was boring, man. The newest one is top ten worthy though, a fucking great return to form! Kostogher is my favorite by him, though...that is some magical shit...there, I said it.

David, #7220, bring it.
It's really quiet (because, apparently, Shamaatae is a dickhead; read the story about why it sounds like that on its M-A page) but it's so goddamn well written.
Hah! Its just one print, :p Print it out anyways and it wasn't even printed under my district account. I'll send you a penny and two dimes if need be.
Schwärzung;8831201 said:
Hekel - De Dodenvaart

Listen to this, seriously. This is how black metal was meant to sound.

Sounds pretty good. I'll have to look into that band sometime.

I listened to Woods of Infinity's Ljuset album the other day. Pretty strange, twisted shit. Definitely not boring, but I'm not sure if I like it.

I really like Blacklodge. Industrial black metal is fun.