Black Metal.

The low level on the album is meant to get listeners to max their volume and let
the thunder in the end of "Skoghens Minnen Vækks" crack their speakers.

It actually doesn't work...if I crank it up to a level where the actual music is pretty loud, the thunder doesn't do too much. Underwhelming imo.
Sounds pretty good. I'll have to look into that band sometime.

I listened to Woods of Infinity's Ljuset album the other day. Pretty strange, twisted shit. Definitely not boring, but I'm not sure if I like it.

I really like Blacklodge. Industrial black metal is fun.
Nice to see you're easing into the genre well. Did you read my PM?

Also, this:


Countess - Spawn of Steel

Sometimes Countess can get a bit corny, but this album is really consistent. Thoughts?

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Anyone have anything even remotely similar sounding to Infernal War? I fell in love with their shit when they released Terrorfront and I cannot get enough of their BM brutality.

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Schwärzung;8833043 said:
Nice to see you're easing into the genre well. Did you read my PM?

Yeah. I really liked the songs, especially the Vlad Tepes stuff. As for LLN, I've been listening to some Mütiilation today, it's pretty fucking awesome. Thanks for the recs!

Schwärzung;8833043 said:

Pretty cool shit.

Anyone have anything even remotely similar sounding to Infernal War? I fell in love with their shit when they released Terrorfront and I cannot get enough of their BM brutality.

Yeah man, they definitely stand out. Deströyer 666 might appeal to you.
Yeah. I really liked the songs, especially the Vlad Tepes stuff. As for LLN, I've been listening to some Mütiilation today, it's pretty fucking awesome. Thanks for the recs!
No worries.

Some other LLN artists you should explore if you're intrigued:
Aäkon Këëtrëh
Black Murder
Anyone have anything even remotely similar sounding to Infernal War? I fell in love with their shit when they released Terrorfront and I cannot get enough of their BM brutality.

Darkmoon - .308 Anti-Christ
Maybe some Angelcorpse

Thats about as close as I can come up with.

I really like Blacklodge. Industrial black metal is fun.
I recommend:
Neo Inferno 262
Alien Deviant Circus
Pavillon Rouge
La Division Mentale
Reactor 4
and of course Mysticum and Aborym if you havn't already checked them out.

Also check out Amok- Necrospiritual Deathcore if you're into Blackened Death.