Black Metal.

A Forest of Stars finished recording their second full length, yet untitled. No release date announced either. I know there are alot of mixed feelings around here about them, but I for one am excited.

FUCKIN YES :kickass::kickass:

hopefully it takes the energy of the first three or so tracks off "The Corpse of Rebirth" and kind of finetunes it

Do yourselves a favor and get the Maledicere demo (on tape) while you can. This is probably my favorite demo since United Aryan Evil. I think it's got something for everyone, especially those who like things that sound old. Something about that four-track production works so well.

There are live videos of the band online, but I don't think they do the band justice.
Has anyone purchased Blasphemophagher - …For Chaos, Obscurity and Desolation…? Thoughts? I ordered the album yesterday.

Also, has anyone heard Canis Dirus from the U.S.? Sounded promising from their myspace samples.