Black Metal.

Do yourselves a favor and get the Maledicere demo (on tape) while you can. This is probably my favorite demo since United Aryan Evil. I think it's got something for everyone, especially those who like things that sound old. Something about that four-track production works so well.

There are live videos of the band online, but I don't think they do the band justice.

Checking out 'What is Fit to Burn' now on youtube, sounds great. :kickass:
Checking out 'What is Fit to Burn' now on youtube, sounds great. :kickass:
I'm glad that some people have decided to check it out. A lot of the time this sounds like the band Hate Forest should have been. They write songs instead of just riffs and they use tempo changes well. Demo recording provides a looseness in opposition to the robotic-at-times Hate Forest. I really wish "The Stench of This Rot" was available in some form online. You can really tell how much thought as gone into the recording. One of the most effective uses of lyrics I've heard in black metal. Lyrics tend to be woefully irrelevant when no words can be made out, but when they are fairly clear they can greatly enhance songs, and it's done to great effect on this song in particular. Other techniques I liked included taking parts that would typically call for a clean - if not acoustic - sound, and distorting them in an especially filthy manner. Guitar noise and feedback is used effectively throughout. The build to the climax of the song is brilliant; repeating "I hate the stench of this rot", while two guitar tracks approach like buzzing flies. Even the interludes are far, far more interesting than the typical fare.

I know it's one thing to be enthusiastic about a release, but I feel I have to be pretty loud when it comes to something that's nearly unavailable and no one else is going to speak for it at the time being.

Here's a pretty readable interview too:
I would highly, highly recommend Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul which is goddamned fucking brilliant.

Explain to me, in your own words (300 words or less, double spaced), what is so great about this album. I'm able to get into some very inaccessible black metal but I can't get into this album yet. Sometimes it takes somebody else's insight for me to "get" what is going on in a certain album. Can you do this for me? Because I want to like this album.