Black Metal.

Explain to me, in your own words (300 words or less, double spaced), what is so great about this album. I'm able to get into some very inaccessible black metal but I can't get into this album yet. Sometimes it takes somebody else's insight for me to "get" what is going on in a certain album. Can you do this for me? Because I want to like this album.

Plenty of people on M-A have done what you ask and I agree with most of them. It sounds very fucked up, wrong and retarded. It pretty much sounds like he basically has no idea how to play music. But it's awesome anyway, the atmosphere, the tone of everything and the songwriting..."Through the Funeral Maelstrom of Evil" ALWAYS does it for me. That acoustic part, disjointedly placed in the song, is so goddamn perfect.
just ordered it on Ebay... pricey but I'm hoping it will be worth it. I love every album they've released.

You won't be disappointed. It's better than Weltanschauung, in my opinion.

Just picked it up. Fucking beautiful work of art.

Easily in my top ten for 2009.

Agreed. And the clean guitar solos in "My Dream Islands" don't sound out of place at all; they just sound perfect. So melodic and atmospheric, I love it.
Anyone have anything even remotely similar sounding to Infernal War? I fell in love with their shit when they released Terrorfront and I cannot get enough of their BM brutality.

Nothing new, fuck yes they're brutal for Black Metal.

This, from their s/t EP back in 2002. Fucking brilliant intro and the blastbeats are fucking ridiculous:

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So after giving it some serious listens over the course of the last few days, Meet Us At the Southern Sign has me thoroughly impressed. It's quite an accomplishment, I think, regardless of what the haters are saying. It may grace my top 10 for 2009 as well.