Black Metal.

edit: anything but MoRT...and maybe Odinist
MoRT isn't bad, but it's not surprising that black metal fans don't like it. It's more of a bizarre, meandering, dissonant blackened Godflesh worship kind of thing. It still feels very much like Blut aus Nord — or at least the warped, industrialized aspects of TWWTG taken to an extreme. So yeah, it's kind of only for people who appreciate that sort of thing.

Odinist is good, but as a whole not great. "The Cycle of Cycles" is an excellent track, though.
oh I appreciate that sort of thing. I listen to Lustmord, Blood Box, Swans, Dead Can Dance and a whole host of other bands. I just felt like Vindsval was trying to take an element from TWWTG, isolate it, and then stretch it out for an entire album which is why it didn't work for me
and the same thing happened for me with The Axis of Perdition. I thought "The Ichneumon Method" was a fantastic album, and "the Deleted Scenes..." was pretty decent as well. but as the band progressed, it just kept focusing more and more on the industrial lovecraftian hybrid element while trying to weave a story ("Urfe"), and it just didn't work for me. For me, it was all about the seamless integration of the different elements of industrial coldness with metal's sonic utility.
MoRT isn't bad, but it's not surprising that black metal fans don't like it. It's more of a bizarre, meandering, dissonant blackened Godflesh worship kind of thing. It still feels very much like Blut aus Nord — or at least the warped, industrialized aspects of TWWTG taken to an extreme. So yeah, it's kind of only for people who appreciate that sort of thing.

Odinist is good, but as a whole not great. "The Cycle of Cycles" is an excellent track, though.

MoRT was sort of forgettable, but Odinist? Highly under-rated imo.
You listen to Paramore. Jesus Christ.

Metal opinions are separate from pop music ones and should not have any effect on the other.

I don't like metal that has the qualities of the pop music I like so it isn't as if somehow me liking Paramore invalidates my metal opinions.
Yeah it sucks when bands mix elements of other music (in the case of the bands you mentioned, blues, gothic, fusion, and industrial) into metal. It's not kosher, and you don't want the magistrate, pharisees, or jesuits knocking on your door inquiring about any heathenish atrocities you might be committing.
@ Eligos, there is an excerpt from 'Void', Craft's upcoming album, on their myspace. You should go check it out when you get a chance.
I just got to throw some love out there for Imperial Chrystaline Entombment; they take the piss and have a good time doing it, especially since it's so tongue in cheek. Then again, I'm pretty sure people aren't fellating the band because no one knows that Mike from both Vile/Monstrosity/Rumpelstiltskin Grinder/XXX Maniac is the vocalist.
Yeah it sucks when bands mix elements of other music (in the case of the bands you mentioned, blues, gothic, fusion, and industrial) into metal. It's not kosher, and you don't want the magistrate, pharisees, or jesuits knocking on your door inquiring about any heathenish atrocities you might be committing.

Blues maybe, but gothic rock and industrial are in no way present in any of those bands.

That was in no way the point I was making though. Learn to read.
You must not listen to much Woods of Ypres. Their second and fourth albums are loaded with gothic rock influence. And Animals as Leaders is an industrial metal/fusion band. Perhaps not in the sense that you're accustomed to, or in immitation of your favorite industrial band, but the industrial element is clear.

What point are you making then, Mort? That those bands are too popular and invalidate my opinion? I'm curious. Floor me with your intellect.
You must not listen to much Woods of Ypres. Their second and fourth albums are loaded with gothic rock influence. And Animals as Leaders is an industrial metal/fusion band. Perhaps not in the sense that you're accustomed to, or in immitation of your favorite industrial band, but the industrial element is clear.

What point are you making then, Mort? That those bands are too popular and invalidate my opinion? I'm curious. Floor me with your intellect.

Gothic rock as in Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Siouxsie and the Banshees?

I'll admit I only ever heard their debut and follow up, but neither of those hinted at goth rock influences.

As for Animals as Leaders, no there is literally nothing industrial about them. Synthesized effects don't make something industrial influenced.

But the point I was making is that my opinions on certain pop bands have no effect on my metal taste especially as I tend not to like my metal to have similar qualities as the pop music I like.

I love Paramore, but I don't like metal bands that rely on a similar formula such as Soilwork.