Black Metal.

They are similar in aesthetic, perhaps Snowland is more similar musically. Vordven fell off the face of the earth in 2003 or so but they can be found on Youtube. They are not particularly harsh and are sort of a low-budget Finnish version of the earliest Dimmu Borgir aesthetic.
is that a real band name? Imperial Chrystaline Entombment? Jesus.

there are shitty bands of every genre and I imagine "wintry" attracts a lot of try-hards and failures. I haven't listened to those bands you mentioned, will give them a try.

Unrelated: I cannot get over how good The Voice of Steel is, and I don't typically go for symphonic black metal. Ugh, so awesome.
Putting Mort on my ignore list was the best choice I've made on this forum. I can't think of a single occasion when I was even mildly entertained by his posts.

Like right now, he probably just said something super douchey to make him look more knowledgeable on black metal. The bands he recommends never fail to disappoint.
Putting Mort on my ignore list was the best choice I've made on this forum. I can't think of a single occasion when I was even mildly entertained by his posts.

Like right now, he probably just said something super douchey to make him look more knowledgeable on black metal. The bands he recommends never fail to disappoint.

You listen to Animals as Leaders, Glorior Belli, and Woods of Ypres. You have NO place to be making a post like that.