Black Metal.

I don't know why Nachtmystium gets so much hate, I think their stuff is great psychedelicish metal. Anyway, anything after Instinct: Decay doesn't belong in this thread really.
being a fan of A Forest of Stars, I have not heard Nachtmystium, so I can't comment

ObscureInfinity: They're trendy poseur not kvlt black metal, so you might not like them. Then again, Dodens likes them, so I guess anything is possible

I referenced this band earlier because I thought they'd find some fans here. For those who like a lot of ambient leanings in black metal. Could very well appeal to the Darkspace/Paysage crowd. Over the course of the album I find this to be a lot more dynamic though. Once this song gets to the blastbeats it provides a satisfying climax to a rather leisurely paced album. It can be very ambient. Then again, people will apparently sit through A Forest of Stars, where nothing is happening for half the running time.

I have heard none of this new Nachtmystium album so far. I am guessing his guest musicians did most of the heavy lifting, for better or worse.
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being a fan of A Forest of Stars, I have not heard Nachtmystium, so I can't comment

ObscureInfinity: They're trendy poseur not kvlt black metal, so you might not like them. Then again, Dodens likes them, so I guess anything is possible

I don't even know what kvlt is supposed to mean. I see it often applied to bedroom black metal bands, which I usually hate. I like good black metal.
Instinct : Decay is ok, IMO the only real standout track is "A Seed For Suffering" which is one of my favorite songs ever.

I only have that album and I thought Nachtmystium were a bit bland/seemed disinterested in performing when I saw them in 2007.

Wizard, what's the newer material like?