Black Metal.

Perhaps you should witness a live showing once more, i've seen them twice or thrice now and they're my favorite act to see. Definitely get me to hair whip and go into a trance!


In my humble opinion, this album is the very essence of black metal. I've never heard anything more chaotic in its motions. May be one of the finest albums i've ever listened to.

I 100% agree to both statements in this post.
People don't like psychedellia in their black metal but people like A Forest of Stars?

Not a HUGE fan of Nachtmystium, but they have some decent tracks.

edit: What do people think of Mortifera and Celestia?
Mortifera are good

Instinct : Decay is ok, IMO the only real standout track is "A Seed For Suffering" which is one of my favorite songs ever.

I only have that album and I thought Nachtmystium were a bit bland/seemed disinterested in performing when I saw them in 2007.

Wizard, what's the newer material like?
It's less black metally, but otherwise it is of a similar style. I haven't heard the newest one though. I would recommend getting the Worldfall EP if you haven't heard it.
Finally got around to WITTR - Black Cascade. I'm not sure how I'd rate it compared to Two Hunters. Overall I'd say it has a more melodic sound. Catchier in a relative sense. Though less ambient and more to the point than Two Hunters for sure. Great album overall, especially Ahrimanic Trance. Amazing track.
Checked out Nokturnal Mortem as someone recced me to 'em. Not sure what to think. Their early/mid career albums sound like I could get into em, but their last few seem kinda... fruity.
Nah, don't know about that. Lunar Poetry and Goat Horns are great, but the latest record... I find it a boring, actually, though I love the intro...

Been listening to some kroda and ved buens ende lately. Great stuff!

I'm pretty new here... Maybe I should list my favourite bands?

Negura Bunget
Wind of the black mountains (really underground stuff, released a great album in the 90's)
The Voice of Steel is as passionate and inspired and fresh as just about any metal album I can think of. It's an instant classic. I can't imagine anyone finding it boring. There are jaw-dropping moments on just about every song. Mirovozzrenie is fantastic too. Avoid the crappy English version.
So I have given a full listen to the new Limbonic Art, and I must say it exceeded my low expectation. It's better than Legacy of Evil. What Daemon seems to have done is go back to Ad Noctum for inspiration, because the production, songwriting and instrumentation is very similar to that album (though less industrial-ish). In terms of quality it doesn't touch Ad Noctum or the first two albums, but it is not bad and worth more listens. The biggest problem is that the album is way to long (over 70 minutes) and could have benefitted greatly by dropping two or three of the lesser songs.
Interesting to hear, and promising. The only albums I'm very familiar with are Moon in the Scorpio and In Abhorrence Dementia. I downloaded Legacy of Evil but only listened to about half of it before deleting it. I'll have to look into the new one.