Black Metal.

The last two Drudkh metal albums were pretty formulaic, and what sounded really fresh on BIOW sounded really fucking predictable on Microcosmos. I hope they have some new tricks this time around, or at least not have such shiny production. I'll check it out, but Drudkh is no longer insta-purchase for me. It feels like they took a little more time here, so maybe that means there will be something new.
only Drudkh i've heard is Blood in our Wells which I thought was a very good (though not mindblowing) album.
Which is a pretty good description for their past few albums: good but not insta-purchase. I agree with master and hope this time they've sat down and worked hard in crafting something similar to their early works in terms of quality
I've only heard Forgotten Legends and Blood in Our Wells and neither blew me away. The latter, however, shocked me in that it exceeded my expectations.
Season of Mist unexpectedly announced that Ukrainian Black Metal legends Drudkh will release a brand new album on September 20th, 2010. The new work will be entitled Handful of Stars and will also be available as a limited edition box set. More news to follow soon!

I was expecting this or another Dark Ages album. Excellent that its a new Drudkh. I wasnt very happy with the last album so ive not got high hopes for this one but the new blood of kingu was awesome so hopefully some of that will rub off on the new drudkh.
So I have given a full listen to the new Limbonic Art, and I must say it exceeded my low expectation. It's better than Legacy of Evil. What Daemon seems to have done is go back to Ad Noctum for inspiration, because the production, songwriting and instrumentation is very similar to that album (though less industrial-ish). In terms of quality it doesn't touch Ad Noctum or the first two albums, but it is not bad and worth more listens. The biggest problem is that the album is way to long (over 70 minutes) and could have benefitted greatly by dropping two or three of the lesser songs.

I read somewhere (on wikipedia) that the new LM would completely abondon the symphonic instrumentation and instead be a raw, old-school BM style, which sounds ridiculous IMO. Would love to hear this album though.
So I have given a full listen to the new Limbonic Art, and I must say it exceeded my low expectation. It's better than Legacy of Evil. What Daemon seems to have done is go back to Ad Noctum for inspiration, because the production, songwriting and instrumentation is very similar to that album (though less industrial-ish). In terms of quality it doesn't touch Ad Noctum or the first two albums, but it is not bad and worth more listens. The biggest problem is that the album is way to long (over 70 minutes) and could have benefitted greatly by dropping two or three of the lesser songs.

I just found out that Daemon use the same cover art used in another band called Knight of Darkness way back in 2007.
Received Nachtmystium's latest two days ago. In the beginning i was skeptical but the second listen through it really connected. Solid effort, lots of 'post' influence, a little different than Assassins in this way. I recommend to purchase or download a.s.a.p.
I'm seriously digging Dark Tribe's In Jeraspunta. I expected to think something like "it's cool in spots but gimmicky as fuck"; but this whole thing fucking rules. Are there any manic and fucked up bands that actually have a unique, jagged approach to riffing as opposed to playing their Burzum albums in the background?
I had a similarly excited attitude to In Jeraspunta... at first, but it did lose some of its impact after a while. The riffing is original but also becomes self-derivative - they use that ascend/descend pattern to death. Really excited to see what they can do with their new one, supposed to be out this year.
Any love for Angmar (Fra)? Got their first album last week (Metamorphosis) and I've played it like four or five times, it's solid Black Metal.

Already ordered their second, Zuruck in the Unterwelt.
Received Nachtmystium's latest two days ago. In the beginning i was skeptical but the second listen through it really connected. Solid effort, lots of 'post' influence, a little different than Assassins in this way. I recommend to purchase or download a.s.a.p.

Checking it out atm. Liking what I hear so far.