Black Metal.

Finally found a link to the new Blut aus Nord thanks to Metal Archives. It's kind of a cross between The Work Which Transforms God & Odinist. Pretty damn good upon first listen.
Hmm, metal archives has the album length listed as 41:19, but my itunes is showing it as 31:30. It sounds like the whole album, but I will have to investigate further.
I had a similarly excited attitude to In Jeraspunta... at first, but it did lose some of its impact after a while. The riffing is original but also becomes self-derivative - they use that ascend/descend pattern to death. Really excited to see what they can do with their new one, supposed to be out this year.

I found it unlistenable after the first round. While I really liked what they were going for, it just...fell short IMO. Too much ascend/descend like you said.
I wasn't too big on In Jeraspunta after the first listen.

I got a copy of I Shalt Become's new album, Poison, and gave it a listen with my girlfriend and vocalist. The consensus was that while the atmosphere remains characteristically thin and echoic, the keyboards and tempo build on a sense of grandeur that makes the listening experience altogether epic.
listening to the new Blood of Kingu. "Incantation of He Who Sleeps" is fucking fantastic. Some of this stuff could pass off as death metal it sounds like (mainly the vocals)
Current black metal favorites:

1.) Spite Extreme Wing (It is some of the most balanced beautifuly/raw BM I've ever heard)
2.) Grand Belial's Key (Although it may seem there is nothing more here than a couple of pissed off suburban Americans who grew up going to church and then discovered Mayhem, there is some real advanced musicmanship and incredibly unique sound)
3.) Aura Noir (When I first heard these guys I thought they came from the days of Celtic Frost and Sarcofago, but it turns out they are just a couple of retro black-thrashing Norwegians who make some great throwback tunes that still have an identity of their own)
The new Watain is fantastic.

Damn, can't wait to get my fucking copy. Goddamn mail!!!

Current black metal favorites:

2.) Grand Belial's Key (Although it may seem there is nothing more here than a couple of pissed off suburban Americans who grew up going to church and then discovered Mayhem, there is some real advanced musicmanship and incredibly unique sound)

Win. These guys are underrated. Mocking the Philanthropist is just lovely. Get their "Weltenfeind" split with Absurd and Sigrblot in case you haven't. Also, try the drummer's project / band - Crucifier (USA), the album "Stronger than Passing Time"
Mocking the Philanthropist has too much filler for my taste, and Judeobeast Assassination tends to have songs that are too dragged out for their own good, but I like GBK anyway.