Black Metal.

What's the verdict on the Crucifier cd Biten?

It's definitely great shit, Mate. It's old school stuff, mixing Death and Black Metal with a few well placed Thrash riffs thrown in sometimes. I know you enjoy GBK, and the vocals kinda remind you of them. Stronger than Passing Time does not sound as "unique" as GBK though. It's more straightforward, with some fucking catchy Songs. Oh, and I remember a few gargantuan riffs, it's great headbanging material :D

IMO you and other people like VelociBrad, brooks55, Addo, Master Yoda, V5, Onder and perhaps a few others should really enjoy it.

BTW this is the album we're talking about in case people wanna check it. I recommend it without any doubts:

Drudkh-Handful of Stars cover:


Odd to say the least, doesn't really seem to fit their previous covers or sound. I think I would prefer it without the anime witch in the middle. But not a terrible cover either. Now I am quite interested to see if their sound is going to be radically different.
That's an awful album cover. I gave up on new Drudkh already after hearing one song from their last album.
Holy shit it's Omni.

Yeah, it's me. People bugged me on MSN a few times lately so I decided to show up for a little while.

Classic Omni stuff right here.

I like the new album cover. Reminds me of the cover of Alcest's latest.

The song that I heard was very bad and extremely different from their previous music, to the point where I didn't recognize it as being a Drudkh song originally. The production was also noteworthy for being unsuited to their music. I don't have high hopes for the new album, given the huge departure in imagery that this album cover shows. I have lost faith in them.
The song that I heard was very bad and extremely different from their previous music, to the point where I didn't recognize it as being a Drudkh song originally. The production was also noteworthy for being unsuited to their music. I don't have high hopes for the new album, given the huge departure in imagery that this album cover shows. I have lost faith in them.

That's sad, I was expecting a lot from the new album. BTW that cover's not bad but looks strange indeed for a Drudkh release.
I'm trying to listen to some songs off Stronger than Passing Time Bitencourt, but I can only find one song on youtube. I'll have to look for a download link.

The new Drudkh album cover isn't great, but it will suffice. I just hope the music is up to par. Personally I like everything they have ever done, other than Songs of Grief, which I don't even really consider a Drudkh album.
I finally got hold of Verdunkeln's self titled debut and I must say it is an amazing piece of work! This is some of the best and most original bm I've heard in a while...

I also just received:

A Forest of Stars - The Opportunistic Thieves of Spring
Alcest - Ecailles de Lunes
Klabautamann - Merkur
Urfaust - Der Einsiedler
Les Discrets - Septembre et Ses Dernieres Pensees
Lantlos - Neon
Nattsol - Stemning
Njiqahdda - Yrg Alms
Odroerir - Götterlieder II

So time for some summer black metal listening...
I'm trying to listen to some songs off Stronger than Passing Time Bitencourt, but I can only find one song on youtube. I'll have to look for a download link.

I really suck at downloading and don't actually know good sites or links....if you want to get a copy of the CD or LP I know HHR has both of them.

Oh, their myspace has no fucking songs :(
Finally listened to IXXI (bought Assorted Armament) and it's some damn good black metal, refreshing and kickass. Plus Totalscorn does the vocals, which makes it all better.
It's been 20 minutes. Do you still like it?

I just sat down to listen to my music for the first time in a month and a half, since both my computer and Zune were broken and I didn't have a decent CD player. Listening to Srontgorrth right now, then I'll be spinning Nachthymen and 'n Crugu Bradului.