Black Metal.

So yeah, checking out Nokturnal Mortum for the first time right now. Listening to their latest. Very impressed so far.

Wow, little late to the game? :cool:

Nokturnal Mortum fucking rule, and their newest is quite amazing. I enjoy their early records, but I think their more recent releases are more interesting efforts; I love the experimental Floydian moments on The Voice of Steel.
Nokturnal Mortum fucking rule, and their newest is quite amazing. I enjoy their early records, but I think their more recent releases are more interesting efforts; I love the experimental Floydian moments on The Voice of Steel.

I concur, fully.

Listening to Sun of the Blind's Skullreader now. Very recommendable for those who enjoy slow-paced atmospheric, epic and ambient/progressive black metal.
I'm generally not a fan of symphonic black metal, but my dick has been hard for Summoning lately, and I remember checking out a few NM tracks on youtube and enjoying them, so I figured I'd check them out. Good stuff.
Don't feel bad Yoda, for whatever reason I've never listened to them (NM) even though Thoth has recommended I do so on multiple occasions. I'll be sure to remedy that once I get home.

In the meantime, I'll blast some Nemesis Divinia. :kickass:
Interestingly I'm turned off by black metal that has no folky or otherworldly elements. Doesn't have to necessarily be organic instruments or panflutes or synth patches, but I can't enjoy shit like Watain.
I think NeChrist is pretty awful and early NM is too amateurish for me to really get interested in, but Lunar Poetry stands a bit above the first few. I don't think they got it right until Mirovozzrenie. The early albums are tinny sounding and too reliant on twinkle-twinkle keyboards. They are still doing something interesting considering when those first albums came out, but I don't enjoy them from start to finish.