Black Metal.

That is correct!

Yeah man, definitely check out the newer stuff. They are obviously more folk influenced than the earlier releases, but they are terrific. I understand the fear of folkiness, as I am the same way to a point, but the last two Nokturnal Mortum albums are fucking amazing.

So I just checked out earlier Nachtmystium for the first time. I bought Demise & Eulogy IV at Central Illinois Metalfest & I am quite impressed.
Nokturnal Mortum always struck as too having too much frolicking keyboards and polka riffs, although to be honest I haven't heard much of their newer stuff.
Demise and Eulogy IV are not bad at all. Definitely quite a step above the average USBM fare. Even a really traditional release like Demise holds up pretty well now.
Agreed. I think they hit their high point with Instinct:Decay, but I dig the newer stuff too.
"omg first off nothing they have done is original...lets see mimic kiss and some cartoon on adult really i bet their fans think this is the greatest stunt and most original stunt ever...i agree with the comment if you dont have talent to wow them do something stupid and you wont be forgotten..unless the something stupid has already been done..there is only one true hardcore heavy metal band of all time and that was PANTERA. the rest are just wishing they were as good as pantera was."

Now I like Pantera and all but this was just plain hilarious.

New Dark Tribe out. Haven't heard it yet but I'm interested to hear if they can make develop the potential of their last album.