Black Metal.

The only other black metal albums I've bothered to check out this year are the new Burzum and the new Countess which are both great. The new Profanatica and the new Inquisition album (cumming out this fukking month!) should be tops on this list as well.
I agree in that the first three tracks are just about impeccable, the next two great but a little drawn out, then the album reaches its highest point with the pair of "Suck My Blood" and "Demon Advance" (the latter being the best Beherit song and one of the most brilliant closing statements ever imo). That minor dip in quality is pretty much its only flaw though.
New Abigor is terrible.

I've been mostly listening to Engram, Averse Sefira and Lunar Aurora lately. What have I missed?

The only Abigor I really know is Fractal Possession, and I don't like it at all. Engram is one of the best 2009 albums in my opinion. Averse Sefira and Lunar Aurora are both great, so excellent picks.

The new Profanatica and the new Inquisition album (cumming out this fukking month!) should be tops on this list as well.

Fuck yes, I'm really looking forward to them. :kickass:
Details of the new Drudkh limited edition:

"Handful of Stars", DRUDKH's forthcoming eighth album, will hit the shelves on September 20th. As for previous opus "Microcosmos", a deluxe box-set version will be available with a bonus 3" CD and extra goodies! Here are the contents of this lush leather book, strictly limited to 600 copies:

-"Handful of Stars" in digipak format
-"Slavonic Chronicles" 3" bonus CD, including two exclusive cover songs: "Indiánská Píseò Hrùzy" (MASTER'S HAMMER) and "Tam Gdzie Gaśnie Dzień" (SACRILEGIUM)
-exclusive T-shirt
-quill pen
-writing ink

Not too impressed but if the price is ok then ill try get a copy.
Windir are cool for sure! but I think they would have been so much cooler with more organic sounding instrumentals. Budget concerns etc aside.
I'm checking out the previous Profanatica album as you guys suggested and at first I was like "wait, is this the new Havohej?" and then I checked the line-up. :) Not a bad thing though, I even like Kembatinan Premaster and this even has some guitars/harmony in it.