Black Metal.

I mean, yeah, it's not like the best thing ever but it's totally over-hated, yet most of the people hating on him probably like some total 2nd-wave-aping shit but don't have cognitive dissonance about it because "well those bands aren't run by a poseur and/or gay dude". Fuck image.

in b4 "yeah but the music sucks anyway lol"

I really don't see what is particularly bad or even below-average about something like this:

Sounds pretty basic, catchy, enjoyable and "tr00" (or whatever other invisible black-metal-only judgment standard you care to use).
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That isn't "2nd-wave-aping-shit"? Completely average, uninspired and totally forgettable. Strength and Honour is about all I can stand from Satanic Warmaster anymore.

Oh, no, you misunderstood dude. It totally is 2nd-wave-aping-shit; what I'm saying is most people accusing it of being that (and, they'd be right) also most likely like some other BM some people consider faceless and normal sounding. I've heard Carelian Satanist Madness like 15 times, and every time, it's a pretty interesting, engaging listen to me. I genuinely enjoy it. The last song is also hilarious and awesome.
Listening to the band Urfaust right now. The vocalist alternates between two different styles: (1) a chicken getting raped, and (2) somebody's drunk grandfather singing in the shower.
Listening to the band Urfaust right now. The vocalist alternates between two different styles: (1) a chicken getting raped, and (2) somebody's drunk grandfather singing in the shower.

I used to adore this band. I don't listen to them nearly as much as I used to, but I do still enjoy the mix of raw black metal/folk/ambient.
Anybody pick up Wold's new album Working Together For Our Privacy?

It needs way more black metal but other than that it's good. Their early records were strikingly unique and while I dig their progression overall (as it shows diversity), I can't help but to notice that their last 2 records (counting the Social Pressure 7") have been a lot more... for lack of a better word, generic. It's great industrial noise type music but you can find a lot of other bands that play that stuff. What they did on something like LOTMP Stratification or Screech Owl was unlike anything anyone else does.

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I've always wondered, are you serious with that link in your sig?

Hahaha I wasn't aware anyone even read my sig. I was serious when I originally posted it. It's not my #1 anymore but I'd still rate it highly. I pretty much hate 00s black metal, especially because of all the clean production. The noisey stuff like Wold is mainly what interests me from 00s black metal although there are exceptions. Doesn't compete with the 90s stuff, needless to say.
Listening to the band Urfaust right now. The vocalist alternates between two different styles: (1) a chicken getting raped, and (2) somebody's drunk grandfather singing in the shower.

Pretty much why I didn't like Urfaust. Not to mention the ambient pieces in between low production black metal sounds like filler to me.

Anyways, I need help deciding on a Mutiilation shirt, heres some pics...







Leaning toward the fire blower, but Hail Satanas has a lot more aesthetics for the eyes. Almost a year later and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on in that picture.
The Hail Sathanas one is ugly, whoever thought knocking black text out of a white fucking rectangle with no reason to do so (WHITE TEXT ON BLACK SHIRT GODDAMN KEEP IT SIMPLE) was a retard.
buttoned down flannel? what do you mean? Anyways, thanks for the opinions I definitely know which one I'm getting now. Vampires of Black Imperial blood is pretty much their materpiece anyways.

Just for laughs though lets pretend I bought this one....


:lol: Meyhna'ch is so corny somtimes.
Hahaha I wasn't aware anyone even read my sig. I was serious when I originally posted it. It's not my #1 anymore but I'd still rate it highly. I pretty much hate 00s black metal, especially because of all the clean production. The noisey stuff like Wold is mainly what interests me from 00s black metal although there are exceptions. Doesn't compete with the 90s stuff, needless to say.

To each his own, but I always thought you were joking. I'm a fan of raw stuff too, but my God that was terrible.