Black Metal.

The new Enslaved album is brilliant I think.

New album is fucking awesome, they really have their own style of writting music.

Enslaved is one of the few Norwegian Black Metal band that actually released Quality and Quantity at the same time for nearly 20 years now.
Not that it has a whole lot to do with black metal, but Caina - Temporary Antennae is a Profound Lore release that totally rules. I don't know why no one mentions this album here. There are plenty of fans of more creatively adventurous metal albums, and I think this is one of the best ones. It's obviously never being different for the sake of being different. If you dwell on the drum machine and the production, I suppose flaws can be found there, but it's too ambitious for me not to like.

Yeah man that's definitely a good album, some great songs on it. I haven't listened to it for a while so I can't remember which ones specifically but I remember my general impressions were good.
Caina is unbelievably good, and so underrated! Mourner is also amazing, it has my favourite Caina song on, Hidious Gnosis. That song will never, ever get boring to me.

I don't think it's a drum machine on TA, at least, not as far as I know. I know Andy's a good drummer so I assume he would have played drums on it, but I could be wrong.